Let the Leftists Beat Each Other Up – IOTW Report

Let the Leftists Beat Each Other Up

Kurt Schlichter:

When we conservatives decline to volunteer as a dish in the progressive buffet, the leftists have no choice but to feed upon each other. We will see more of it as conservatives wake up and smell the kombucha – leftists only win when they can bully and intimidate, and if we choose not to let them do that to us, then it’s not as if they will give up their go-to move. No, they will turn on each other, and we will gobble up the Orville Redenbacher as they fight to the death for our amusement.

And we are amused.

Donald Trump was the first guy to push back, really push back, but it was not simply his pugnacious nature and cunning ability with mean tweets that made him important. It was his moral position. At some level, for some reason, so many establishment Republicans had approached these bad faith actors as legitimate critics who were at best misguided and who might actually have a germ of a point within their critiques. Trump, however – having been among them for decades and understanding exactly who they are – read them correctly. He considered them garbage. 

It was not so much that Trump fought back, it was that he made it clear that the leftists are scum. And because he did not credit them with any moral stature, their slings and arrows bounced off his armor. Of course, Ron DeSantis has taken the same tack with them, refusing to credit them with any kind of merit. And that deprives them of their most powerful weapon – their victims’ complicity. MORE

11 Comments on Let the Leftists Beat Each Other Up

  1. All I can say is that Trump’s pic hasn’t been shown of him being on Epsteins Pedo Island. They tried too, but it didn’t stick like it has with the Clintons and the Gates. “Morals?” They’re being destroyed, if anyone reads their Bible, they know what’s coming, it isn’t a surprise. Liberals never had any morals, that’s why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. There’s no place in God’s kingdom for those monsters. It’s always been their destination.

  2. …Communists can’t help but have internal spats. When hatred is your stock in trade, it will permeate everything you do. But as much as Stalin killed those who displeased him, he still managed to rule until he died of arguably natural causes, but he was certainly not overthrown. They NEVER lose focus on keeping US stomped down no matter their internal snits.

    It’s like this…

    (Sam and Frodo see Orcs that were tracking them argue, then one shoots the other in the eye and runs off)

    “Well, I call that neat as neat,’ [Sam] said. ‘If this nice friendliness would spread about in Mordor, half our trouble would be over.’
    ‘Quietly, Sam,’ Frodo whispered. ‘There may be others about. We have evidently had a very narrow escape, and the hunt was hotter on our tracks than we guessed. But that is the spirit of Mordor, Sam; and it has spread to every corner of it. Orcs have always behaved like that, or so all tales say, when they are on their own. But you can’t get much hope out of it. They hate us far more, altogether and all the time. If those two had seen us, they would have dropped all their quarrel until we were dead.’
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

    “They hate us far more, altogether and all the time.”

    …odd how much Democrats and Orcs have in common.

    …now if only we had a Ring…

  3. geeknerd June 11, 2022 at 2:39 pm

    The only problem is, the survivors will be the hardest ones to fight.

    He who ends up with the most bullets wins.


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