The holidays are coming, and what used to be a fun time with family and friends is now, honestly, a total pain in the ass. Not because cooking is a chore or you’re not happy to see them, but because there is like one or more of them who are simply miserable leftists sour over the humiliating loss Democrats (and their self-esteem) suffered in the election. To hell with it, and them. If people are so consumed with politics that they can’t put it aside and simply be a human being, you are much better off without them in your life.
I get it, no one wants to cut off family members or lifelong friends, but better that than making your existence miserable. If they can’t set aside a political loss, screw them.
Did you spend Thanksgiving 2020 whining endlessly about Joe Biden? Probably not. Nor did you likely spend any of the subsequent Thanksgivings lecturing the guests about how Joe was progressing down the trail of senility. more
I believe “The View” beat them to the punch telling their audience to shun any and all from the other side.
Good to know that both sides should no longer speak or communicate with the other.
Hap Hap Happy Holidays to all.
Let them wander off and don’t feel guilty about it. Send them to the nearest soup kitchen for a warm meal.
I never recognized any positive aspect to allowing Satanists to infiltrate Christian culture in the first place.
Better yet, let them know they aren’t welcome. They can take their Tofurkey and do whatever they please with it, my suggestion is to shove it up their ass, then after Thanksgiving alone can sip box wine bore their cats with bullshit about how great the goddamn shit tastes. I had a sister who brought the fucking shit to Thanksgiving once, the goddamned dog wouldn’t even eat it.
If you forbid any discussion of politics or religion it’s quite amazing how well a group with divergent views can get along politely and even pleasantly. Just let everyone know that you’ll be encouraging compliance with a squirt gun.
If you can’t talk about ideas, philosophy, politics, faith – the “whys” of life with friends and family, who can you talk with? All that is left is who died and our fabulous Hawaii vacation. Frankly, I sit there with a rictus of a smile and can’t wait to leave. Usually, we would end up sitting separately from the Libs and discuss away quite pleasantly.
Be an invitation Nazi:
“No invite for you!”
@ Uncle Al MONDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2024, 14:35 AT 2:35 PM
If you prohibit left-wing shitbags it’s quite amazing how well a group with divergent views can get along and have a polite conversation on practically any subject
Dear Lord thank you for bringing family and friends together and thank you to for President Trump. AMEN. FOOD FIGHT!!!
I delight in tormenting them, why would I avoid them? I won’t initiate but will respond directly, and then it’s no holds barred. then after ensuring they get it right in the feels, I go have a snack.
“Let your rabid friends and family go”.
I don’t think so. The fun starts Thursday. I’m not done with them yet.
Identity Politics doesn’t stop with tribalism. It is actually some people’s only identity. They live their lives — from moment to moment — solely on their made-up worldview, carefully curated by CNN and MSNBC. They truly cannot grasp ANYTHING outside of the talking points they ingest from Leftist media; they can’t even support those talking points with anything that resembles historic fact. The only thing that exists for them is where they place themselves within that curated worldview. This is how relatively well-off, middle-aged (and older) white women can express amazing levels of vitriol for relatively well-off, middle-aged (and older) white women. It does no good at all to point out to them that they have so thoroughly internalized these false ideas, they are actually declaring real hatred for themselves. A great example of someone taking it to its illogical extreme is Rachel Doezal (sp?), the woman who fooled a black-oriented non-profit she was black.
Pray for family and friends who have no life other than that given by Leftist media. It’s Satan’s work in them.
Years go at my now ex in-laws house for a family gathering, my mils sister from New Jersey started spouting off about the shit bag Romney traveling with a dog on top of his car. I responded at least he didn’t eat it like Obama, after his claiming he had eaten dog in his book. My ex mil elbowed my in the ribs a little and shook her head. Mostly pleasant conversation after that.
I try not to associate with the insufferable progs in my family and certainly do not embrace any as friends… That stated, I will have a nice quiet Thanksgiving…. alone.
So you would deprive yourself of the pleasure of blasting left-wing shitbags in the face with a Super Soaker?!?
You might be the most foulest person I’ve read on this sight. I was a SAILOR and you know what they say about sailors and cussing. You win my friend. Tell me though, do you even know how to speak the Kings English and get your point across using it without the $#@%& ffi@!÷? Makes your mother proud. Try taking a pill or something.
sanctimonious drat mofos deserve every bit of shi-ite flung on this site. could be a lot worse, with excellent justification.
Don’t California my Texas, JD Hasty is not the foulest fucking person on this site! I can think of at least half a dozen assholes that be considered for that damn designation.
^ only a half a dozen? Well I for one don’t swear, smoke or drink but God dammit, I left my cigarettes at the bar!
general (‘foul mouthed ‘) malaise, I lowballed so I wouldn’t sound ridiculous.
What are these “Rabid Leftist Friends And Family” you speak of?
family or not, anyone who votrd for clit-on, grobama, grobiden, or k. her-ass accepted satan as their god
ob types inspect the view-twats with posthole diggers instead of speculums
A lot of those women have been led down the garden path by the Lefties for 50 years. They’re alone and going to get a lot lonelier. If it means telling Uncle Harry, who everybody knows is a jerk anyway, to just smile and say nothing, let no one break the truce.
“Did you spend Thanksgiving 2020 whining endlessly about Joe Biden?”
No, because we didn’t know Cocaine Mitch and the rest of the Undocumented Democrats were going to double cross him.
I wore a Red, White, and Blue shirt and a 45/47 hat to the last get together.
’nuff said, no quarter, no mercy.
Uncle Al, is your super soaker filled with urine or bleach?