The holidays are coming, and what used to be a fun time with family and friends is now, honestly, a total pain in the ass. Not because cooking is a chore or you’re not happy to see them, but because there is like one or more of them who are simply miserable leftists sour over the humiliating loss Democrats (and their self-esteem) suffered in the election. To hell with it, and them. If people are so consumed with politics that they can’t put it aside and simply be a human being, you are much better off without them in your life.
I get it, no one wants to cut off family members or lifelong friends, but better that than making your existence miserable. If they can’t set aside a political loss, screw them.
Did you spend Thanksgiving 2020 whining endlessly about Joe Biden? Probably not. Nor did you likely spend any of the subsequent Thanksgivings lecturing the guests about how Joe was progressing down the trail of senility. more
I believe “The View” beat them to the punch telling their audience to shun any and all from the other side.
Good to know that both sides should no longer speak or communicate with the other.
Hap Hap Happy Holidays to all.
Let them wander off and don’t feel guilty about it. Send them to the nearest soup kitchen for a warm meal.
I never recognized any positive aspect to allowing Satanists to infiltrate Christian culture in the first place.
Better yet, let them know they aren’t welcome. They can take their Tofurkey and do whatever they please with it, my suggestion is to shove it up their ass, then after Thanksgiving alone can sip box wine bore their cats with bullshit about how great the goddamn shit tastes. I had a sister who brought the fucking shit to Thanksgiving once, the goddamned dog wouldn’t even eat it.
If you forbid any discussion of politics or religion it’s quite amazing how well a group with divergent views can get along politely and even pleasantly. Just let everyone know that you’ll be encouraging compliance with a squirt gun.
If you can’t talk about ideas, philosophy, politics, faith – the “whys” of life with friends and family, who can you talk with? All that is left is who died and our fabulous Hawaii vacation. Frankly, I sit there with a rictus of a smile and can’t wait to leave. Usually, we would end up sitting separately from the Libs and discuss away quite pleasantly.