Let’s Be Clear: This Is About Joe Biden, Not Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

Let’s Be Clear: This Is About Joe Biden, Not Hunter Biden


When James Comer wondered on CNN whether Special Counsel David Weiss had indicted Hunter Biden on nine tax-related charges to protect him from having to be deposed in the House Oversight Committee, Jake Tapper snarkily responded: “Yes, the classic rubric. He indicted him to protect him. I got it.”

Well, yes. Indicting a person on lesser charges can often protect him from more serious ones. It happens all the time. In this case, though, “him” isn’t Hunter, it’s Joe.

Weiss failed to indict Hunter for failing to register as a foreign agent or failing to pay taxes on the millions that flowed from those arrangements. Why? Probably because any investigation into Hunter’s $17 million foreign influence-peddling business — which Weiss has scrupulously avoided — leads to the president of the United States answering lots of awkward queries about his connection to disreputable people and authoritarian regimes. There is no Hunter Biden case without Joe. There is no Biden Inc. without Joe.

12 Comments on Let’s Be Clear: This Is About Joe Biden, Not Hunter Biden

  1. Finally, someone has alluded to the actual truth of the Biden business practices; Hunter was facilitating HIS FATHER’S BRIBERY BUSINESS ALL THIS TIME, not his.Biden Bribery Inc. has been a going concern since 01/20/2009. Hunter has been trolling for his father, not himself. What’s amazing is that no one has figured this out. Does anyone really believe the junior Biden cooked this scheme up himself? It’s been Joe all along!

  2. @ txfella

    ” It’s been Joe all along!”

    And how do we know that? Who else would pick a crack addled, whore chasing drunk who leaves his drugs and identification in a rental car when he turns it in to be his front man when he decides to make treason pay.

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