Let’s compare & contrast Trump’s Ukraine “scandal” to Obama’s IRS targeting scandal – IOTW Report

Let’s compare & contrast Trump’s Ukraine “scandal” to Obama’s IRS targeting scandal

And see which is a more grave assault upon America’s sainted democratic institutions.

Via Thread:
Tom Elliott

Let’s compare & contrast Trump’s Ukraine “scandal” to Obama’s IRS targeting scandal and see which is a more grave assault upon America’s sainted democratic institutions. 1/ 

On Ukraine, Democrats’ worst case scenario is that Trump pursued a one-time political transaction where he’d exchange foreign aid for an investigation that might embarrass a potential 2020 opponent. 2/ 

Now, how about a refresher on the IRS scandal? 3/ 

In the run-up to the 2012 presidential campaign, the IRS began a coordinated effort explicitly purposed to help Obama’s re-election. The IRS, for example, leaked conservative groups’ confidential tax info to the progressive org, ProPublica. 4/

 Internal documents show the IRS, in reviewing applications from conservative groups, described anti-Obama rhetoric as “propaganda.” In addition to having tax-exempt applications intentionally delayed, many of these same conservatives were audited by the IRS. 5/

 The campaign also went after Obama’s critics. St. Louis reporter Larry Conners gave Obama a challenging interview, and was soon “hammered” with IRS audits. The same happened to author Anne Hendershott, who’d reported on fake Catholic groups that were supporting ObamaCare. 6/

 Evidence showed it was broader than just one agency. Catherine Engelbrecht, a Texas businesswoman who criticized the administration, was attacked by the IRS, FBI, OSHA, and even ATF. 7/

 Recall, the IRS was not going rogue in targeting conservative groups; the White House and Senate Democrats — during public remarks — explicitly told them to. Emails show the IRS discussed confidential taxpayer information with WH officials during the 2012 campaign. 8/ 

The rest is here

11 Comments on Let’s compare & contrast Trump’s Ukraine “scandal” to Obama’s IRS targeting scandal

  1. Democrats already know they are hell bent on destroying the Constitution and the US as a free republic. Just like the Bible says satan can recite scripture, democrats only mention the Constitution when it’s expedient for them to lie about someone else not following it.

  2. There was no Obama IRS scandal. There was no smoking gun, no one lost their job, no arrests, no change in policies, there was only a massive right wing folie a deux fanned by Fox News.

  3. Progressive Libertine…LOL…a repetitive name, an example of a synonym, is it necessary to use the adjective DUMB before the word Democrat ?..But an astute recognition that there were no jobs lost, no arrests , no change of policy, in short, a pluperfect crime in that discovery of their fowl deeds followed their proven innocence..I believe that many will be surprised when the round ups begin..

  4. Count me among the ones that will be surprised when any round ups begin……because justice delayed is justice denied. If they die of old age…. so will I.

    And I don’t see anyone possessing the righteousness or the will to employ a guillotine. Or a catapult into a volcano.

  5. Libertine Progressive..True, it is as if the entire nasty matter took place in a vacuum and we know what happens to flying birds in a vacuum. A crime was not committed because no one was punished…Kafka would have loved this..


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