Let’s Do the Alphabet, Shall We? – IOTW Report

Let’s Do the Alphabet, Shall We?

Starting from the L and working around –
L is for LIAR
M is for ….

66 Comments on Let’s Do the Alphabet, Shall We?

  1. @Eleanor, if I may…
    dickweek, ears, fuckhead, goof, homo, idiot, jerk, kenyan, leech, maroon, narcissist, orphan, peabrain, queer, rump-ranger, solipsist, taffy-ass, unbalanced, vacuous, wimpy, xenophobic, yellow, zealot.

  2. What a ridiculous picture that is! Really??? He needs a podium, presidential seal and flags in a kindergarten room? He’s so insecure! “Ah, hey kiddies, I won! I’m THE President.”

    Is this a photoshop? Am I being stupid?

    If it’s not he reminds me of all the pictures of tinpot dictators with their dark glasses, excessive gold braid and chest full of crackerjack ribbons.

    A microphone???

  3. “The president also spoke about his fiscal year 2015 budget, noting that he felt “this was an appropriate setting to talk about the budget” because the plan was designed with the Pre-K students’ generation in mind.”

    Finally, an audience who can really appreciate his fantasy world!

  4. A = Arrogant
    B = Bath House
    C = Coward
    D = Dictator
    E = Egomaniac
    F = Full of himself
    G = Gosh awful
    H = High
    I = “I”
    J = Jarrett
    K = KY
    L = Larry Sinclair
    M = Muslim Brotherhood
    N = No Negro dialect
    O = teh One
    P = Petulant
    Q = Not going there, but you know what I mean
    R = Reggie
    S = Sharia
    T = Taqiyya
    U = Undocumented
    V = Vapid
    W = It’s all his fault
    X = Keystone XL – APPROVE IT NOW!
    Y = Yes we won’t
    Z = Zero

  5. ‘M’ is for the Mendacious Muzzloid Marxist Obama is proud to be

    …that’s better

    Going backwards from…

    ‘L’ is for Liar, as in lying through his teeth…
    ‘K’ is for Killary Klinton, our next Marxist-In-Chief
    ‘J’ is for Jobs, that Barry is killing
    ‘I’ is for ‘I, me, my’ the three most loved words in Barry’s vocabulary
    ‘H’ is for Health Care that Barry & the democRATs destroyed
    ‘G’ is for Glowbull Warming which you should never question or fight
    ‘F’ is for Freedom which the Regressives despise
    ‘E’ is for Economy that Barry is tanking
    ‘D’ is for ‘Down Low’ which Barry enjoys
    ‘C’ is for Constitution which Barry ignores
    ‘B’ is for Barack, Emperor Barry, of course
    ‘A’ is for Abortion, ‘excess population’ destroyed

    …jumping back…

    ‘N’ is for the N-word which whitey can’t use, only the Brothers are allowed to abuse
    ‘0’ is for the Operation that Grandma can’t have
    ‘P’ is for Progressive, we’re better than you
    ‘Q’ is for Qweef, our Commander-In-Chief
    ‘R’ is for Racist, anyone that disagrees
    ‘S’ is for Stimulus, printing money for free
    ‘T’ is for Tea Party, Racists, you see?
    ‘U’ is for United State, I wonder where it be?
    ‘V’ is for Vagina, Womyn say, “Worship me!”
    ‘W’ is for The Won, master of speech
    ‘X’ is for Xylophone, when is dings Joe Biden answers
    ‘Y’ is for Yanukovych, John Kerry says, “Who?”
    ‘Z’ is for Zero, presidential ranking of ‘O’

  6. Asshole, Bastard, Commie, Dickwad, Egomaniac, Fuckwit, Gay, Homosexual, Ignorant, Jew-hating, Lying, Muthafucka, Nacissistic, Obtuse, Prick, Queer, Ripoff artist, Sexual deviant, Terrorist-loving, Unfit to serve, Vile, Wimpy, ….

    I’ll think of K, X, Y, and Z the minute I turn off thecomputer.

  7. I do love an excuse to browse a good dictionary!

    L – Logorrhea (Excessive volubility accompanying some forms of mental illness)

    M – Misanthrope (A hater of mankind)

    N – Neotene (A species, or member of a species, in which the period of immaturity is indefinitely prolonged.)

    O – Orticant (Irritating to the skin.)

    P – Putrefactive (Causing or inducing putrefaction; putrefying.)

    Q – Quack (One who professes a knowledge or skill concerning subjects of which he is ignorant.)

    R – Retromingent (An animal which urinates backwards.)

    S – Sociopath (Someone with a personality disorder manifesting itself chiefly in anti-social attitudes and behavior.)

    T – Thankless (Not moved by or expressing gratitude; unthankful, ungrateful.)

    U – Untermensch (A racially inferior person, a sub-human person.)

    V – Vacillant (Uncertain, hesitating, wavering.)

    W – Wuss (A weak or ineffectual person.)

    X – Xantippe (The name of the wife of Socrates; hence allusively, an ill-tempered woman or wife, a shrew, a scold.)

    Y – Yanky (Of doubtful status, origin, and meaning.)

    Z – Zabernist (One who misuses military power or authority; bully, aggressor.)

    A – anti-American (Hostile to the interests of the United States, opposed to Americans.)

    B – Baalist (A worshipper of false gods or idols, an idolater.)

    C – Chalazium (A small pimple or tubercule; esp. one on the eyelid, a stye.)

    D – Dipshit(A stupid, inept, or contemptible person; an idiot.)

    E – Ecraseur (Surg. A blunt chain-saw, tightened by a screw or by a rack and pinion, for removing piles, polypi, anal fistulas.)

    F – Faggot (A male homosexual.)

    G – Giftless (Devoid of mental endowments; without talent.)

    H – Horcop (A bastard. Also as a term of abuse.)

    I – Inane (Of persons Void or destitute of sense; silly, senseless; empty-headed.)

    J – Jejune (Unsatisfying to the mind or soul; dull, flat, insipid, bald, dry, uninteresting; meager, scanty, thin, poor; wanting in substance or solidity.)

    K – kakistocrat (Adherent of government of a state by the worst citizens.)

  8. A is for Ass… Obama likes Reggie’s Ass.

    B is Barack… Barack is the beggining of every pronouncement in the Obama white house…

    C is for Cavemen… All conservatives are Cavemen, flat earthers, and global warming deniers… Not to be confused with holocaust deniers er…. Liberals friends…

    D is for Democrat… purveyors of all that is good in the world ie, butterflies, unicorns, rainbows, child labor laws, and abortion.

    E is for Equality… That nirvana sought by liberals everywhere except for those in academia, Washington DC, the media, and California.

    F is for Fiction… or news reports of the success of cash for clunkers, the stimulus package, current unemployment numbers, Hillary’s success as Secretary of State, and the overall love the country has for all things Obama.

    G is for G. W. Bush.. The purveyor of all things evil in the world… Starvation, job loss, acne, the heart break of psoriasis, War in the Middle East, diarrhea, continued unemployment, the entire failure er lack of success of the Obama administration.

    H is for Hillary… The savior of the democrat party after the complete flameout of the current messiah..

    I is for I.. The beginning of all utterances by the most holy, esteemed, unequaled in ability and intelligence, of whom the world was not ready or worthy to receive Barack Hussein Obama.

    J is for Jackass… The fitting symbol of the democrat party.

    K is for Nolege … That amazing intellect amazed by the most incredible vice president in history: Joe Biden

    L is for Liar…. All who claim harm by the most benevolent administration in history are liars…

    M is for Michelle… To whom we give thanks for our daily bread and water.

    N is for Nothing… or what you can believe from Obama’s mouth.

    O is for “Oh Shit” or what Obama utters every time he sees the jobs report, Obamacare numbers, or his actual popularity.

    P is for Partay… Or what the Obama White does on a regular basis..

    Q is for Quiet… or the truth that the media reports about Obama.

    R is for Rethuglicans.. The political party of the War on women, children, minorities, education, science, racism, and the purveyors of Slavery.

    S is for Slaves… History will record that Obama freed the slaves with a single speech.

    T is for Truth… or the truth as a Obama tells it..

    U is for YouTube… The cause of the deaths of brave Americans in Benghazi..

    V is for vagina… Obama wants all women to vote with these.

    W is for W… See GW Bush… The blame for all ills in the civilized world surpassing even that of Pandora.

    X is for X Rated or Gay Porn producers that will likely get a ambassadorship offered for their bundling er fund raising efforts.

    Y is for Y Chromosome.. That evil derelict of nature that has foisted patriarchy, sexism, lower wages, and offspring upon less powerful owners of two X chromosomes

    Z is for Zero.. The sum total of accomplishment, qualifications, and intellect within the entire Obama Administration

  9. “A” is for ass.
    “B” is “Because I said so.”
    “C” is for criminal, and if you don’t agree with me I’ll make you out yo be one.
    “D” is deadocrat.
    “E” is for the fund tank to fuel my Marxist ideas.
    “F” is for failure. I can’t help but fail no matter how hard I try…Can I get a few more trill??

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