Let’s Go Brandon and the Streisand Effect – IOTW Report

Let’s Go Brandon and the Streisand Effect

Patriot Retort: You can always count on the idiots in the American corporate media to pour gasoline on a fire. Before this weekend, I’d wager the only people familiar with the etymology behind the chant “Let’s Go Brandon” were those active on social media.

But not anymore.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the huffy, pearl-clutching dopes in the media, “Let’s Go Brandon!” got an enormous boost in exposure. And that is not at all what the media intended.

It’s the Streisand Effect all over again.

For those who don’t know where that term comes from, allow me to explain.

Several years ago a photographer took an aerial picture of the Malibu coastline that included Barbra Streisand’s estate. A furious Streisand sued the photographer for violating her privacy. And thanks to the lawsuit, that photo of Babs’ home got far more attention than it would have if Streisand simply kept quiet.

And the Streisand Effect was born.

12 Comments on Let’s Go Brandon and the Streisand Effect

  1. I was climbing up a steep hill on my Mountain Bike Sunday in a small forest in Palgrave Ontario. As I was huffing towards the top of the climb I passed 3 cyclists that stopped to catch their breath.
    I yelled Out “Let’s Go Brandon” and they all 3 burst out laughing!
    That is how far it has spread.
    To a Tiny town pop. 1044 about 1 hr. North of Toronto.
    By the way, Their elected official is Conservative (didn’t vote Turdo)

    The Shitty of Toronto on the other hand…

  2. The Beauty of the Streisand demand that led to the ‘Effect’ is that the pics were on an obscure website and weren’t marked as her estate. Maybe half a dozen people saw them and didn’t know or care. Besides which, any paparazzi would know where her house was already.

  3. @The New England Patriots

    Temperature & pressure are directly proportional inside of an enclosed volume.
    That’s why sometimes your car tire pressure monitors tell you they are low on a very cold day but if the next day is much hotter, the error goes away.

    AKA: the Combined Gas laws

  4. The origin of “Let’s Go, Brandon” was so laughably stupid it was destined to become a cri de cœur against tyranny. It openly mocks both the object of revulsion (Joey Biden, Usurper Extraordinaire) and the facilitators of that fraudulent retarded pedophile – the media.
    I hope it becomes permanently enshrined in the hearts of all Freedom-loving peoples.

    Fuck Joe Biden
    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @New England Patriots

    What do you know from cheating. We won SB XLVIII by stealing the signals from the Broncos

    Think about it. Two weeks prior, we come within one play of losing to Colin f#cking Caperdick. But then we completely destroy the highest scoring offense in NFL history? We make a total monkey out of one the savviest QBs in NFL history?

    C’mon, Man


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