Let’s go, Brandon! (Brandon Straka, that is.) – IOTW Report

Let’s go, Brandon! (Brandon Straka, that is.)

American Thinker:

By Andrea Widburg

Brandon Straka is a hairdresser who finally had it with the modern Democrat party’s lunacy. He put up on Facebook a video in which he described his decision to “walk away” from the Dems—and so the viral #WalkAway movement was born. On January 6, Brandon Straka found himself standing on the Capitol grounds. He did not go into the Capitol, foment violence, or engage in violence. Nevertheless, he was arrested and charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor. On Wednesday, Straka pled guilty to the misdemeanor and walked away from the rest. It was still overcharging but it’s a decent outcome and a symbolic one.

Straka matters because he has proven to be enormously successful when it comes to explaining to people who are reflexively Democrat (gays, women, and minorities) that the Democrat party is abusing them and taking them for granted. He helps them see that their economic circumstances had improved enormously under Trump and that the authoritarianism and race, sexuality, and gender hatred Democrats had promised Trump would institute never happened.

You can tell how successful Straka was if you look at the Wikipedia page for his #WalkAway campaign—keeping in mind that Wikipedia’s co-founder has walked away from his creation because it’s become a left-wing propaganda machine.

The whole page is one giant attack against Straka. The third sentence states “[The #WalkAway campaign] was noted and criticized for using viral marketing methods of gathering support, by counterfeiting a popular movement of people who have left the party.” Look for the specifics supporting this attack and there are none; just accusations and innuendo. more

3 Comments on Let’s go, Brandon! (Brandon Straka, that is.)

  1. We all know that’s how “prosecutors”/inquisitors do things now; charge you with a hundred felonies, including child rape and murder – and a teeny misdemeanor – to get you to plead guilty to SOMETHING. All they want is to be able to hold something over you and make you an “official” criminal. Bastids.

  2. TommyBoy: that has been their method of operation for a long time in political cases. They charge people with a laundry list of serious felonies, and deliver that list with a note saying, “We have bottomless pockets, how about you?” They then let the person plead to the most minor thing he was charged with. The government can then strut around bragging about how the got a conviction.

    Can you say “General Flynn?”

    Probably the only reason they did not do this with Trump is because they know his pockets were almost as deep as theirs, and he would have been out for blood if they tried it – and won.

    If someone were willing to be a sacrificial lamb, he should get the plea bargain offer then bring it to the court and say “If I really did all of these heinous things, why are they willing to let me off on such a minor charge? Could that be because the entire prosecution is a sham and they know it but are trying to extort a guilty plea so they can damage their political opposition?”

    I still wonder how one person can be charged with more than on count of homicide when there is only one victim. If it was manslaughter, it wasn’t murder. If it was second degree, it wasn’t first. It can’ t be all three.


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