‘Let’s Kill Hollywood’ – IOTW Report

‘Let’s Kill Hollywood’

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Over the summer, Barry Diller warned that the double strike by Hollywood actors and writers could “potentially produce an absolute collapse of an entire industry.”

Diller, who once headed Paramount and 20th Century FOX, may know what he’s talking about.

Hollywood, trying to compete with the vast resources of dot coms like Netflix and Amazon, has been spending untold billions of dollars to convince everyone to buy subscriptions to their streaming services. Netflix will spend $17 billion, Amazon spent $16.6 billion while Disney blew through $32 billion. Disney is trying to recoup some of the billions it lost on Disney+ by cutting costs and going into the lucrative but shady business of sports betting through ESPN.

Once upon a time, Disney might have worried about the damage to its ‘family friendly image’ but once it started peddling sexual materials to kids, gambling is actually a major step up. more here

25 Comments on ‘Let’s Kill Hollywood’

  1. @Anymouse
    This industry of acting is based on no particular talent other than pretending to be someone else and has no real benefit to society. What HAS happened is it has expanded WAY PAST the beginnings of local minstrel shows and plays and has become a propaganda tool to brainwash civilizations.

  2. I cut cable 1 month ago and do not miss it. I watch mostly Masterpiece streaming which has only British programming on it – old episodes of Inspector Morse, the past 8 seasons of Endeavour, Grantchester, and on Britbox, really old episodes from the 1980’s. I play a game with myself called “Spot the British Actor/Actress” before they became famous. For instance, Michael Gambon played INspector Maigret in the early 1990’s, before he became Professor Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movie series.

  3. We cut cable over 5 years ago and should have got rid of it 20 years ago! Over $250/mo for years, and there were only 2 channels we watched on it. When Comcast (Seattle’s ONLY cable provider) started charging extra for Turner Classic Movies, that was the final straw. So funny! We didn’t miss it from day one! We discovered we don’t have time for tee vee. It’s a time waster. Now we watch what we want to watch and when we want to watch it, and it’s all free on YouTube, which we cast to our theater or televisions.

  4. I will pray for the demise of Hollyweird. Oh what will bad actors do for a living? Heard some of them are living in their cars, with family and friends. They want us to feel sorry for them. HA! Fat chance! I’m rather feeling smug about it.

  5. What did they do with Walt Disney’s body after they cut off his head and chucked said head in a vat of liquid nitrogen? I’m wondering if said headless body is tilt-o-whirling in a grave somewhere.

  6. Television, just like video games, is strictly for dickbrains.

    All democrats, marxists, progressives, liberals, faggots, and elitists are equally worthless. You all belong on pikes.

  7. Anonymous AT 1:46 PM,
    Doesn’t it seem odd, even to you, that you bring “Donny” into every worthless comment you make even when he has absolutely nothing to do with the thread?

    You worry me, boy. Your love/hate/obsession with “Donny” has poisoned your mind(?).
    Get some psychiatric help while there’s still time (though it may be too late).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Not every actress is a prostitute, but every prostitute is an actress. In a very real sense all paid entertainers are functionally prostituting themselves, their looks, voice, body and physical abilities, ability to feign emotion, etc. The writers are just providing scripting and flow for the prostitutes. AI will do a better job than most writers for the big screen or television.

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