Let’s Make The New Year 2025 The One That Kicks the Radical Left Out of Our Children’s Lives – IOTW Report

Let’s Make The New Year 2025 The One That Kicks the Radical Left Out of Our Children’s Lives

Canada Free Press

In these dark and worrisome days, in CFP’s our new Nova Scotia home, I delight in hearing the stories of a new friend’s four grandchildren. Listening to them takes me back to memories of better days when children were safe and sound from the horrific creations of the Woke Left. My friend is a loving “Grandma” to four young grandchildren, two of them not yet one year old.

I told Tinker Bell all of my problems, real and imagined

Having grown up in the days when Mickey Mouse and Tinker Bell were Disney’s two top stars, both the parents and grandparents of these dear little ones go out of their way to keep them from the growing trend of Drag Queens at the once harmless…Public Library.

Back in the day when this writer made Tinker Bell her imaginary friend, she carried a small handkerchief (hanky) imprinted with the image of delightful Tinker Bell—everywhere she went, carrying on daily imaginary conversations with her.

I told Tinker Bell all of my problems, real and imagined.

When my family was moving from Maynard Street, Halifax, N.S. to a new subdivision on Federal Avenue, with four children and their toys, lined up in the moving brigade, my father discovered that I was missing and came back to see where his eldest child, might be.

“We’re ready to leave,” he told me.

“I’m not going”, I responded in my best 6-year-old voice.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because I lost Tinker Bell, and can’t find her,” I tearfully told him.

I never used the Tinker Bell image as a hanky, only kept the cloth emblazoned with her image in the pocket of whatever I happened to be wearing. Somehow when standing outside saying Goodbye to our Maynard Street house on Moving Day, a breeze which happened along, took Tinker Bell away, leaving me desolate. more