Let’s Not Forget Some Crucial Mistakes CA Made About Covid-19 – IOTW Report

Let’s Not Forget Some Crucial Mistakes CA Made About Covid-19

KFI: After 15 months of different Covid-19 restrictions, there are some crucial mistakes California made on its way back to reopening the state.

First and foremost, our children have taken an extreme toll from this pandemic. Of all 50 states in the United States, California has the LOWEST number of children back to full-in-person learning. According to research done by Burbio, almost 80% of CA students HAVE NOT seen the inside of a classroom since March 2020.

Certain cities like North CarolinaWisconsinUtahChicago, and even New York City demonstrating that there are certain procedures that are being followed to ensure a safe return to in-person school for our children and staff – these cities will hopefully become a model for more cities to reopen their schools. more

9 Comments on Let’s Not Forget Some Crucial Mistakes CA Made About Covid-19

  1. Amazon server hosting business has just kicked the Frontline Doctors group off it’s servers for contradicting the false, lying gov’t line.

    I will the covid vaxxes would hurry up and kick in so we wouldn’t have to deal with democrats anymore.

  2. Mistakes imply this wasn’t a planned global takeover event. The papers are all out there to read from 2010/2017. How did the entire world coordinate the same strategy the same exact week, almost down the day. Of course the more tyrannical will be in the blue cities and states where people put up with it. But do we really have all our freedom back anyplace?! I was forced to put on a mask in TX at a medical facility along with stand 6 feet away etc.

  3. That’s why we gathered 2.5 million signatures to throw his ass out of here. Yes, I live in a crazy State, but do tell me where to live where people aren’t crazy. Sister moved to Texas and she said “you ain’t seen crazy yet until you come to Texas. I have traveled all over the world, crazy is the same no matter where you go.

  4. I hope he voters of my crazy state do remember the critical mistakes made by Governor Newscum at every possible turn. Closing churches, restaurants, beaches, playgrounds….then opening with a list of rules. He is a dictator, a tyrant and a disgrace. Vote his sorry ass out please


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