Let’s Play! – IOTW Report

Let’s Play!

Name something you would never buy “Used”.


h/t Jack H.

129 Comments on Let’s Play!

  1. Hillarys rabbit. Or any other item that may have cum in contact with her Devilish Delta. There is not enough antibiotic cleanser in the world that would convince me that the device would be sterile.

  2. eugenia – used catter litter is very effective when poured into groundhog/gopher holes, in making them decide to migrate…..also works on crawdads, but that’s not permanent…..10K years from now, geologists are going to be scratching their heads, trying to figure out how all these “clay pipes” formed, and what is the meaning of these pockets of organic material…..i will be interested in their theories…… 🙂

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