Let’s take a look at the Obama admin’s security clearance process – IOTW Report

Let’s take a look at the Obama admin’s security clearance process

DC: WASHINGTON, D.C. — An attorney representing a White House civil servant being scrutinized by the House Oversight Committee wants the security clearance applications of senior Obama White House staff including Valerie Jarrett, Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes.

The White House security application of National Action Network President Al Sharpton was also requested.


House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan and Ranking Member of the Government Operations Subcommittee Mark Meadows sent a letter Friday to Committee Chair Elijah Cummings to redirect his security clearance process investigation to the previous administration.

According to Jordan and Meadows, Rhodes — a former senior national security and foreign policy advisor for the Obama administration — received a high-level security clearance “despite a questionable background investigation that may have led the [FBI] to deny him an interim clearance.”  The Republican Congressmen wrote:

Mr. Driscoll’s request to you is an opportunity to prove that you are not using the Committee to target the President or his senior advisors. We understand that senior officials in the previous administration may have had problems with regard to their security clearance applications. According to public reports, Ben Rhodes, a former senior national security and foreign policy advisor in the previous administration, obtained a high-level clearance despite a questionable background investigation that may have led the Federal Bureau of Investigation to deny him an interim clearance. Similar troublesome issues also may have plagued the clearance process for former senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, among others.

Cummings launched an Oversight investigation into the security clearance process of the current administration early this month, saying Tricia Newbold, a manager in the Personnel Security Office of the White House told the committee the Trump administration abused the security clearance process.  more here

7 Comments on Let’s take a look at the Obama admin’s security clearance process

  1. I’m tired. I don’t really give a fuck anymore about anything. Last week the Pope Francis turned away Catholics who wanted to kiss his ring now today he’s on all fours kissing the feet of some African dictator.
    I’m an ashamed Catholic.


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