Letter From Germany Tells Horror Stories Of Doctors Dealing With Migrants – IOTW Report

Letter From Germany Tells Horror Stories Of Doctors Dealing With Migrants



Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, open TB and many exotic diseases that we, in Europe, do not know how to treat them. If they receive a prescription in the pharmacy, they learn they have to pay cash. This leads to unbelievable outbursts, especially when it is about drugs for the children. They abandon the children with pharmacy staff with the words: “So, cure them here yourselves!” So the police are not just guarding the clinics and hospitals, but also large pharmacies.


9 Comments on Letter From Germany Tells Horror Stories Of Doctors Dealing With Migrants

  1. Great-wait until 1,000s of these scummy moslims are dropped in on Great Falls-ID or Abeline-TX.

    It’s exactly like a healthy person injecting himself with cancer.

    Trump says they’re going back. Who else has made that statement? NO ONE, that’s who. If you’re not seriously considering him, I have to ask if you think my metaphor is wrong.

  2. The phrase in the doctor’s e-mail that chilled me was in reference to knife attacks on two nurses and a doctor at Rhine Hospital. It stated, “The local press is forbidden to report it…”. That’s scary.

    Who are the elites who knowingly import the dregs of the earth and then throw a gag order on the press? Are they really just misguided ideologues, or is it a conscious decision to destroy western civilization?

    Something doesn’t add up here. Something insidious.

  3. The Green Party in Germany has operated like this for years. Some of the most extreme groups in Germany post-war tried to bring down the government repeatedly through violence. Looks to me like they have changed tactics and are letting the Muzzies do the dirty work for them.

    A dedicated extremist will go to no ends to satisfy their own agenda, and to hell with anyone who disagrees. No guns or explosives needed these days.

  4. Just like it is here, you get what you paid for. Cycle after cycle they elect morons that tow the line socialism is good and compassionate for all.

    Have fun assholes, I’m buying another thousand rounds of ammo.

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