Lettuce Play – IOTW Report

Lettuce Play

unnamed-2ht/ connie


7 Comments on Lettuce Play

  1. I knew this guy who was a life long vegetarian, one day he went to the doctor because a leaf of lettuce was hanging out his ass. The Doc ordered up a MRI right away. The guy was sitting in the waiting room when the Doc gave him the bad news. The Doc told him that the leaf was the tip of the iceberg.

  2. Hey, guys, I know you all love your burgers, steaks, and Chik-Fil-A sammiches, but vegetarianism is a highly viable lifestyle. When I stopped eating meat in 2003 I did worry that I would miss beef, chicken, and veal. Guess what–I didn’t. I love me my veggies, and I’m well-fed and happy. It helps that I’m a good cook.

    Of course, I’m not a sanctimonious vegetarian either. When I hear what comes out of the mouths of some vegetarians, I cringe.

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