Levin Asks Why Bushtablisment Media Allies Have “Conservatism” Double Standard – IOTW Report

Levin Asks Why Bushtablisment Media Allies Have “Conservatism” Double Standard

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CR: Is Paul Ryan a true conservative? The Bushstablishment wants you to think so. Even some in conservative media are pushing Rep. Ryan as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But here at Conservative Review we do our homework

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8 Comments on Levin Asks Why Bushtablisment Media Allies Have “Conservatism” Double Standard

  1. That’s not Paul Ryan. That’s John Boehner in a Paul Ryan suit. This moron talked 3 years ago on how to eliminate 85% of o’care oppression. Since then, what has he done about it? (Crickets…)

    As always, he lays it out straight. Mark Levin for speaker.

  2. Until you realize all those ensconced on Capitol Hill need to be drawn, quartered, and gibbeted as examples to the next followers that would dare occupy those lofty offices, nothing will change.

    You are being made into property of the fed. They, today, have free reign to intrude into every aspect of your life.

    And we allow it.

    Why do you allow that?

  3. “Baaahhhhh”

    C’mon, America, you can do it!

    Hey, Ryan, how ya gonna reduce a $20 Trillion debt?
    Yeah, thas what I thought.



  4. As Chairman of the powerful House Budget Committee(don’t forget all spending is Constitutionally supposed to originate in the House) alarms bell were LOUDLY ringing when immediately after he and Romeny lost, the first budget he proposed(stop me if you’ve heard this before) immediately increased revenue(taxes) and put off spending cuts for 10 years.

    That prompted me to look into this guy a little closer then when he was the Veep nominee and see that this douche has been an open borders advocate for a decade.

    The shoc-ka is that the HFC has acquiesced and will vote for him as Speaker. That’s a fucking knife in my eye. Despite any assurances he’s making not to present any amnesty bills before 2017, ya just gotta know what kind of snake you’re dealing with and what he wants(for his CofC buds).

    Ask yourself why would any “conservative” support policies that will turn the Republican Party into a permanent minority party AND destroy our long held American values, culture and traditions.

    The answer is simple-he’s not a conservative.

  5. He may have been a likable guy leading up to 2012, and as a finance guy was coming up with ‘reasonable’ ways to balance the budget with small shifts in government spending increases. In other words he was never about small government, just controlling the growth.
    We voted for Romney/Ryan because there was no option. The important question is how they got on the GOP ticket.

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