Levi’s Ex-president Claims She Was Forced Out Over COVID-19 Protests; Was Told To “Pipe Down” – IOTW Report

Levi’s Ex-president Claims She Was Forced Out Over COVID-19 Protests; Was Told To “Pipe Down”

Epoch Times: The former executive vice president and president of clothes maker Levi’s branding said she quit and walked away from $1 million because of her views against COVID-19-related school closures.

“More than 20 years ago, I joined Levi’s. I quit so I could be free,” Jennifer Sey wrote on Twitter, linking to her article published in former New York Times editor Bari Weiss’s Substack newsletter.

Sey said that she started working her way up Levi’s corporate ladder in 1999, but when the COVID-19 pandemic started to unfold in early 2020, the mother of four became an advocate for keeping schools open.

The 52-year-old had organized rallies and spoke to local media outlets against school closures. However, management in Levi’s condemned her for her stance, and Sey recalled in the summer of 2020 that a corporate communications manager told her to “pipe down.” read more

11 Comments on Levi’s Ex-president Claims She Was Forced Out Over COVID-19 Protests; Was Told To “Pipe Down”

  1. “Sey said that she started working her way up Levi’s corporate ladder in 1999”

    Ask her how she feels about the Second Amendment. Levi is BIG time anti gun. I won’t buy anything from them.

  2. Sey said that she started working her way up Levi’s corporate ladder in 1999, but when the COVID-19 pandemic started to unfold in early 2020, the mother of four became an advocate for keeping schools open.

    That’s a shame.

  3. I just read she quit & turned down her pension. Resigned & turned down $1 million in severance package. She wants to speak out about covid-19, Levi’s said no while being employed by them. So she quit.

  4. ^^^What the hell business is it of theirs? Everything & now nothing. Being the President of a corporation has expectations & of course the contract one must sign & follow it’s guidelines. This is all on her, her choices. That company, a company would be very foolish to step on a hot potato like this, anything to do with covid-19 if they don’t have to.

  5. is she the one who decided to sell women’s jeans to men? i tried on some levis a couple years ago, and they weren’t made to fit male legs or genitalia. back to wranglers…

  6. I don’t hate other races at all. I dislike people of any race that cause more problems than they solve. What I do hate is the government…All of it…and everyone in it…for ever and ever…amen.

  7. Of she’s the one who set Levi’s anti-2A policy, then I have no sympathies for her.


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