Liars in the House – IOTW Report

Liars in the House

House Dems have announced they will soon unveil their campaign slogan for taking back that Chamber of Congress.

“Our message is a clear one: Democrats mean that your life is going to be better; greater access to health care; greater access to education; greater access to opportunity; greater focus on jobs and making it in America,” Hoyer said.

Read the story here


12 Comments on Liars in the House

  1. Hoyer actually said that?

    With a straight face?

    What’s he on … heroin? mescaline? peyote? LSD? Panama Red? Acapulco Gold? opiated hash? Thai sticks?

    I’ve run into this guy about 50 times and he never seemed delusional. He always enjoyed being a big dick and abusing blue-collar people. Why tell those lies?

  2. I didn’t want to read the entire story, I’ve read and heard too damn many lies from their side, I can’t take much more.

    How do you know so many different drugs?? Lol.

  3. Steny is a moderately camouflaged sociopath. Which in the case of most of the political class as we know it, he fits right in. Two of his most remembered qualities in high school (per dad) were he was pretty smart and oh-so-charming.

  4. Its disturbing thinking of Steny saying these obvious lies with all sincerity. It borders on the psychopathic to be that dishonest.

    Debbie Downer and San Fran Nan are so stupid they can say any stupid stuff and actually believe it. But Steny and the rest are so morally bankrupt its scary to think of them ever being in control of government ever again.

  5. Our message is a clear one: Democrats mean that your life is going to be better for us politicians; greater access to health care coverage but good luck finding an actual doctor; greater access to education socialization and collectivist indoctrination; greater access to opportunity for govt freebies; greater focus on job devaluation and making it into the American Welfare State,” Hoyer said.


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