Lib Professor Wears Helmet And Bullet Proof Vest On First Day Of Texas’ Campus Carry Laws – IOTW Report

Lib Professor Wears Helmet And Bullet Proof Vest On First Day Of Texas’ Campus Carry Laws


Read all about the stupid, Here

You know, all that gear won’t stop a Jihadi from sawing through your neck to pop your head off.

37 Comments on Lib Professor Wears Helmet And Bullet Proof Vest On First Day Of Texas’ Campus Carry Laws

  1. Another example of why so many kids graduate from college barely able to get a job at the drive up window. Do away with government college loans and losers like this will go away. Missus Doubtfire with a broom would scare this worthless whiner into peeing his pants.

  2. Says a lot about what he thinks of his millennial students, even implying that some violent mishap over a grade or his attitude might happen. Why do libtards always project their own sick flaws onto others?

  3. He reminds me of the broad that carried the mattress around campus at Columbia claiming FALSELY that she was raped. Imbeciles. Give it another day and he will be completely exhausted from the weight of the helmet & vest.

  4. Attention whore.

    Any student violent enough to kill him will walk right up and shoot him in the face. Guess what, the only students who might do that are the socialist / progressive / Democrat nut jobs out there.

    CCW holders are the most law-abiding and best citizens out there. He has nothing to fear from them. So, his display is virtue signaling.

  5. @bad Brad
    Sounds like a total dullard. When classes are easy nothing is learned. It would be fun to take his class and give him the business. Sounds a lot like my Psychology 101 class at GWU. Total ranting nut job.

    He didn’t even use the textbook, but the tests came from it. Best to skip his class and use the time to read the book.
    Waste of time.

  6. How does a leftist teach geography anyway? They don’t believe in national borders. Also, I didn’t know that geography is a college level class. That was 6th grade.

  7. PHenry

    Got three kids that went through “Higher Education”. The oldest, a girl (this was 12 years ago) went to ASU and I warned her, your going to hear a lot of liberal shit, just smile, agree, and graduate. I have two boys to. The oldest boy tapped out, I believe his exact word were “Fuck This Shit”. He wasn’t the college type from the get. Now the youngest son is stubborn as hell. He fights them. And his grades suffered. He Graduated from U of A, I should fucking move to AZ, barely. Had to take some online classes to bolster his GPA. And that’s AZ. The fix is in.

  8. I wonder if he has “special permission” to use the ladies restroom, or if he will have to pee in his helmet. he could forget to empty it before it goes back on his hat holder.

  9. I got as far as “Statement”
    A statement from a Liberal Professor is empty words meant to amuse the dullards and lint for other navel gazer dim wit Liberal Professors to discuss and remark upon while smelling their own farts out of wine glasses

  10. “Geography Instructor?”

    What? Is he doing his Mercator Impression?
    Or is that his Globe Impression?
    I can’t tell.
    A senseless fool making a meaningless gesture.

    izlamo delenda est …

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