Lib threatening to boycott sex with men who want to end abortion gets unexpected support – IOTW Report

Lib threatening to boycott sex with men who want to end abortion gets unexpected support


Withholding intimacy is a means for women to punish their husbands or boyfriends who vote for the Republican Party in the upcoming midterm elections, a Twitter user who has about 131,000 followers is implying.

In proposing what amounts to a sex strike, the self-described political branding strategist claims that some GOP lawmakers want to eliminate legal birth control in addition to their opposition to abortion.

“Men, if you think you don’t get enough sex now, go ahead & vote for Republicans who plan to takeaway legal birth control & end all abortion. See how that works out for you,” Rachel Bitecofer, who claims her Twitter account “kills fascism,” wrote on the social media platform.

In a postscript, she added, “I know I’m not alone in the idea that of I have to choose between doing the dirty with you- or my career, health, and sanity, you’re losing.” more

32 Comments on Lib threatening to boycott sex with men who want to end abortion gets unexpected support

  1. This is typical of the Left. “The personal is political,” remember? To a liberal everything is political, including sex. It will be a lesson to men who thought they could ignore their sweeties’ values and focus on their looks, or their incomes, or how good they are in bed.

  2. Jarhead Cracka
    APRIL 19, 2022 AT 10:32 AM
    “They always claim that Repubs want to restrict “birth control access”, but never offer any proof of that claim beyond abortion.”

    …the fact that she is CAPABLE of refusing to have sex PROVES she has full and complete access to the ORIGINAL birth control


  3. Left Coast Dan
    APRIL 19, 2022 AT 10:39 AM
    “@SNS – what was the line, ‘take an aspirin… and hold it between your knees.’?”

    …Jack Nicholson brings the “Hold it between your knees” line something special…

  4. Another issue that is presented as Black & White.
    It isn’t the elimination of abortion, it’s the elimination of wholesale abortion.
    The Dems invested in planned parenthood make big buck on dead baby parts, plus being subsidized the government.
    Just another money laundering scheme.
    Don’t forget the planned parenthood exec hoping to make enough $$ to buy a Lamborghini.

  5. No mercy
    APRIL 19, 2022 AT 11:18 AM
    “No man should ever have to resort to sex with a liberal woman, when there are dolls who don’t say stupid shit.”

    …althogh I would imagine you could program them to.

    …you know, if that’s what you’re into.

  6. I’ve ride the commuter train daily for 20 plus years that terminates in Seattle. It seems like for lefty See You Next Tuesdays having this to boast about is something they look at wearing as a badge of honor. I think it is just part of the cuckold lifestyle of the left.

    And yes, cuckoldry a lifestyle that is and has been accepted and embraced by the left. The Stranger is their favorite newspaper and a quick internet search is all that needs be done to find out what they are interested in and how they live.

  7. You go right ahead. I can’t speak for anyone else, but a woman says that to me I am gone. You all enjoy your toys, I am going to buy some cucumber futures. That kind of blackmail might work on some guys, but any man with an ounce of self respect won’t tolerate it for a second. A relationship that could end with that decree was never a relationship to begin with.

  8. FTA: “Republicans who plan to takeaway legal birth control.” WTF? I read news, current events 4-6 hours everyday. Biden was the first to claim that lie, she’s the second in ten years. She’s nuts.

  9. Usually liberal women who are this crazy are smelly, hugely fat, ugly, tatted, pierced, mean, minimum wage, and mad at the world. It’s always someone elses fault. They’re pushing 40 and have never had sex with a human. Lotsa lesbians in that club. They don’t appreciate being told that a gallon of Jack Daniels in a man will get better results than a pint of Revlon on her.

  10. @ judgeroybean

    “Usually liberal women who are this crazy are smelly, hugely fat, ugly, tatted, pierced, mean, minimum wage, and mad at the world”

    Sounds like you’re describing the 72 virgins the moslems are planning to spend eternality with.


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