Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering – IOTW Report

Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering


Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has learned nothing from the chaos in San Francisco and wants to stop prosecuting criminals for theft.

Wu has also said that she wants to abolish the gang registry.

Before being elected, Wu described her priorities by filling out the in-depth “2021 Boston Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire” from the far-left organization Progressive Massachusetts.

One of the questions was, “Do you support shuttering the Boston Police gang database?” To which Wu responded, “Yes.”

Wu told the organization that she also supports ending information sharing between the Boston Police Department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

The now-mayor was also asked if she supports the do-not-prosecute list enacted by the former Suffolk County district attorney Rachael Rollins. more here

23 Comments on Liberal Boston Mayor Supports Ending the Prosecution of Criminals for Theft, Breaking and Entering

  1. Hmmmm. No need for prosecution of breaking and entering in these here parts. Hard to prosecute a corpse. Oh, these here parts are 180 degrees from north. Liberals must want a return to the Wild Wild West. If their policies are adopted it’s inevitable that normal law abiding citizens will eventually take matters into their own hands. Liberal brains lack rationality cells apparently.

  2. Fucking insane. She must be a goddamn ChiCom. Why bother opening a business there then? She’s single handedly going to revitalize the Boston mob for the protection racket side of the business alone.

  3. When government doesn’t make an honest effort to protect life and property then they have forfeit their monopoly on justice and vigilantism is legitimate.

    This isn’t liberalism, it is Satanism. It is an attack on the concept that people have God given rights to life, liberty and property.

  4. publish the home addresses of all City Hall workers, the City council and especially the Mayor. Breaking and entering, theft no longer crimes? Ok, you first. Losers

  5. continued from last comment –

    and when their homes are broken into and ransacked, maybe the Boston police can send a drone over a la Denver – won’t that be fun?

  6. @ TheMule THURSDAY, 30 MAY 2024, 7:20 AT 7:20 AM

    “She’s single handedly going to revitalize the Boston mob for the protection racket side of the business alone.”

    When you pay protection money (taxes) to the government, it mainly goes to places like Ukraine, piers in Gaza, wind and solar farms, painting pride murals on intersections with a small amount going to police to protect the government from YOU.

    The mafia might at least break the kneecaps of somebody that threatens their source of income.

    Government is just organized crime with badges.

  7. What’s her address? Some brothers want to see what good shit she has in her crib. I lived in the Beacon Hill section of Boston for 2 years. Beautiful city but I hated the liberal dbag that run and live in the city. They deserve this POS Mayor.

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