Liberal Chick Falls On Her Face – IOTW Report

Liberal Chick Falls On Her Face

Lunatic Liberal Falls Flat on Her Face Trying To Take a Man’s MAGA Hat.

7 Comments on Liberal Chick Falls On Her Face

  1. A couple years ago at the ripe young age of 64 I had parked on a one way street a friend lives on and had to cross to get to his house.
    Upon getting out of my truck I looked to my left and saw lots of vehicles about a block and a half away approaching at 35 miles per hour.
    Did a few quick mental calculations and decided if I ran/jogged I could beat the traffic and not wait the 45 seconds for all the traffic to pass.
    So off I go on my first run in all honesty probably decades.
    My upper body it ended up was much quicker than my legs so I ended up flailing my arms like a madman while trying to stay upright so I didn’t fall in the road in traffic.
    I made it over the curb before making a spectacular diving crash into my friend’s hedges.

    I always wait for traffic to clear before crossing the street since. I don’t care how long it takes.


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