Liberal Columnist on Orlando Massacre: Maybe We Do Need a Temporary Ban, Just Until We Can Figure This Out – IOTW Report

Liberal Columnist on Orlando Massacre: Maybe We Do Need a Temporary Ban, Just Until We Can Figure This Out

Update- Tommy Christopher is/was and always will be, an asshole. – bfh

“Maybe I’ve Been Wrong…”

TammyBruce: My respect to Tommy Christopher for having the courage to write this. He will, no doubt, face an avalanche of criticism from the left and he may even walk it back, but in the meantime he’s written a thoughtful, honest piece about keeping our nation safe in the midst of this war with Radical Islam.

Via Mediaite.

There’s a lot that is still unknown about the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida Sunday morning, but the things we do know are enough. At least 50 people are dead, including the shooting suspect who has been identified as Omar Mateen, making this the worst mass shooting in United States history. If law enforcement is correct, and this was an act of terrorism, this will be the worst attack on US soil since 9/11.  MORE

16 Comments on Liberal Columnist on Orlando Massacre: Maybe We Do Need a Temporary Ban, Just Until We Can Figure This Out

  1. Our Government and the left couldn’t connect the dots if they were numbered and dripping with blood because they don’t want to. Until it hits them in the face.

  2. I had to laugh Sunday morning when it was continually stated that this animal was a US citizen. Being born on US soil (may?) make you a US citizen but it sure as hell doesn’t make you an American.

  3. So, we are to close the barn door AFTER the horses have gotten out?
    We need to close and search every mosque and deport every muslim that is not a citizen. Any mosque found to have weapons or explosives needs to be razed.
    Imams that preach killing people need to be charged with sedition and incarcerated.
    Then we can sort out what is left.

  4. “If they won’t police themselves……WTF!!!!!

    This is America, we pay law enforcement to protect us and to keep the peace. That prick may have been born here, but his parents taught him a lot about his radical Muslim religion. We have laws of the land, either obey them or get out. No banning, just round them up and deport them. We have prisons for the citizens who want to join ISIS. Let Bubba take care of them.

  5. Hard times are befalling #Nevertrump…

    “A recent diarist here at RedState noted that after what happened in Orlando, he is now no longer #NeverTrump. His reasoning is pretty simple: Given the options between Hillary and Trump, Trump is the only one who is likely to do anything about the Islamic attacks that will likely happen again in this country. However, his conclusion to this logic is simply wrong. The conclusion to the article was that if you are #NeverTrump, and if Hillary wins, and if Hillary refuses to do anything about Islamic terror in the United States, then you, that’s right, you, the #neverTrump supporter, are to blame for that violence. This is simply hogwash.”

  6. Has the Sasquatch of muslim terrorism, the anti-muslim backlash, possibly been spotted? I’m not sure, since the writer couldn’t bring himself to type the “m” word.

  7. Right Mo.
    Maybe we need to just be nicer to them.
    It has worked so well so far.
    Maybe a better approach would be to just ship them all to you in NY where you will treat them well. I am sure they will reward you like they have done in CA and FL.

  8. “making this the worst mass shooting in United States history”…

    ^^^Bullshit! Do these liberal idiots not know about the Wounded Knee massacre or do they ignore it because big government did the shooting of the people they unarmed?

  9. This islamic massacre happened in Galoomphy’s district. He’s going with “might be a hate crime”. I wonder how much filthy, central Florida muslim money he takes to get elected every two years.

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