Liberal Economists Pour Cold Water On Bernie’s Plans For Education And Healthcare – IOTW Report

Liberal Economists Pour Cold Water On Bernie’s Plans For Education And Healthcare

DailyCaller: Several left-leaning economists have declared 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders’s plans for free healthcare and education unrealistic and unaffordable in light of recent analyzations of Sanders’s proposals.

bernie sanders healthcare question

“The numbers don’t remotely add up,” Austan Goolsbee, the former chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, told The New York Times. Referring to an early criticism of Sanders’s plans as “puppies and rainbows,” Goolsbee continued to say Sanders’s plans have “evolved into magic flying puppies with winning Lotto tickets tied to their collars.”


13 Comments on Liberal Economists Pour Cold Water On Bernie’s Plans For Education And Healthcare

  1. Oh come on now, everyone knows the only reputable liberal economist is Paul Krugman. Besides with Bernie’s plan, I’m certain unicorns will be shitting rainbows. Why does Goolsbee need to confuse the LOFOs further with flying puppies and lottery tickets?

  2. This is no surprise….It’s just the liberal base circling the wagons around Clinton. E-mails/scams aside, she is the nominee, as proved by her “win” in New Hampshire and Iowa.

    Simple as that.

  3. Oh, man! Flying puppies with Lotto tickets?
    It don’t get no bettern that!

    Well, unless we had flying red-tailed squirrels with Lotto tickets!

    THAT would be sooooooo kool!

  4. Show of hands…. How many here actually believe that facts enter in to the thought process of Burny and his Freetards? Burny’s followers are banking on everyone having government-issued solar-powered unicorns they can ride to the Free Shit National Forest to get their “fair share” of government appropriated redistributed wealth and property seized in the name of fairness.

  5. The great Murray Rothbard must have had BS in mind when he said

    It is no crime to be ignorant of economics, which is, after all, a specialized discipline and one that most people consider to be a ‘dismal science.’ But it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.

    To which I’ll add that it should be an offense worthy of expulsion and exile to try to impose your will on others while remaining in this state of ignorance.

    And @old_oaks – Paul Krugman reputable?

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