Liberal FOX News Host Jessica Tarlov Forced to Issue On-Air Correction About Tony Bobulinski  – IOTW Report

Liberal FOX News Host Jessica Tarlov Forced to Issue On-Air Correction About Tony Bobulinski 

GP: Jessica Tarlov, one of the rotating liberal hosts of The Five on FOX News, was forced to issue an on-air correction about former Hunter Biden associate Tony Bobulinski on Thursday.

On Wednesday, Tarlov made some comments about who is paying Bobulinki’s legal fees.

His lawyer was quick to react and apparently threatened a lawsuit.

17 Comments on Liberal FOX News Host Jessica Tarlov Forced to Issue On-Air Correction About Tony Bobulinski 

  1. A very quick reading of Fox attorney’s recommended half-assed acknowledgement of her lies.
    It certainly falls short of a sincere apology, not even close to offsetting any of her sincere spewing of lies and hatred.

  2. Fox has always been FAR LEFT DEMOCRATS; aka Bush Republicans.
    17 years ago when President was jaming RomneyCare down our throats rogue Regan folk were working to put RomneyCare on the Ks ballot. Karl marx aka”Bush’s Brain” said the Regan folk were just trouble makers wasting taxpayer $. He referred to a poll – DOMINION FABRICATED – that showed 90% of Americans wanted Romneycare. Said another way. Fox said 17 years ago only 10% of us were against RomneyCAre.

    2 years later real Americans voted. 75% said no to Romneycare!
    Fox has always been far left GOP.

    Don is Conservative.

    When leftist Fox ‘hosted” a debate 4 years ago Fox used it to attack the conservative running for president!
    If leftis Fox pushing Romneycare in 2007 wqs not proof how far left they were the 2020 debate should have made it “CRYSTAL CLEAR”,Fox is liberal ;aka “Bush Republican”!

  3. My friend is the counsel for the IRS agent Ziegler. I happened to be at his home a few days after their testimony re Hunter last summer. He noted that by design, Ziegler is paying 100% of his own costs so as to have no suggestion of financial interest from any other party. I expect Bobulinski has done the same.

  4. “I would like to clarify by not admitting that I totally lied through my teeth yesterday by now giving you such a mass of gobblegook that doesn’t admit that I lied but still might make you think that what I said was true if you had no other sources of information.”

    When did “clarify” become synonymous with “admit I was lying?”

  5. I am glad that The Five has an actual liberal on their panel, unlike some shows on other networks.
    Jessica is not my cup of tea, but she stands up and takes the abuse of the other panel members. She fights back and gets frustrated, but she is a strong liberal, and I like to hear a bit from the other side occasionally.


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