Liberal justices caught up in Supreme Court ethics scrutiny – IOTW Report

Liberal justices caught up in Supreme Court ethics scrutiny

The Hill: Scrutiny of visits to colleges made by Supreme Court justices has now drawn attention to the court’s liberal wing as calls for stronger ethics rules for those who sit on the bench grow louder.

Investigative reporting by The Associated Press, published Tuesday, detailed how schools courted donors to attend the events, enabled encounters between justices and elected officials and provided opportunities for the justices to luxuriate in places like Hawaii and Europe for agreeing to light teaching responsibilities.

The report found the visits were made by justices across ideological lines, most notably including accusations that Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s staff pushed colleges to purchase her books when she traveled to their schools.

Justices’ speaking engagements at universities are nothing new, but their travels have faced increasing scrutiny in recent years as stories emerged about wealthy activists’ efforts to buy access. more

10 Comments on Liberal justices caught up in Supreme Court ethics scrutiny

  1. The justices are compensated generously by the taxpayers. How about a law that says NO outside compensation. Speaking fees should be donated to charity. And investments should be in a blind trust.

  2. Isn’t that just like liberals; accuse conservatives of something the have it come back and hit them in the face.

    Another thing with Quora: lots of leftists say that Clarence Thomas is corrupt because he accepted things from a friend who has no cases before the court while liberal justices have accepted things from organizations that do.

  3. Felix Frankfurter quit the SCROTUS because he considered the pay insufficient.

    ANY “Justice” who needs mo money should follow his example and resign.

    Corruption is the rule, nowadays – the Supremes were appointed by maggots so it’s a pretty good guess that they’re maggots, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. After the Revolution and we are drafting a New Constitution, along with the minor change of adding Term Limits for elected officials 2 other clauses should be added 1. it is not murder nor is it a crime to kill a tyrant (that being anyone looking to usrup power not delegated by the Consitution) 2. any elected or appointed official or anyone paid via tax dollars worker found guilty of bribery to any degree shall be sewn into a canvass bag with wild meat eating wild animals and then thrown into the Potomac river.

    I should add it goes without saying those who don’t pay taxes can’t vote nor could anyone who can’t pass a citizenship test unless they are in or have an honorable discharge from any of the armed forces. but I day dream too much….


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