Liberal MP says ‘Honk Honk’ is code for ‘Heil Hitler’, cites Antifa as source – IOTW Report

Liberal MP says ‘Honk Honk’ is code for ‘Heil Hitler’, cites Antifa as source

Post Millennial
Canadian Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks said that “Honk Honk” is code for “Heil Hitler” while testifying in parliament on Monday in defense of Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act to crack down on Canadian freedom protesters.

“How many guns need to be seized? How much vitriol do we have to see of “Honk Honk” which is a new acronym [sic] of “Heil Hitler”? What do we need to see by these protesters on social media?” Ya’ara Saks said.

After receiving backlash for her outlandish remarks, Saks embarrassingly defended her comments on Twitter by citing a thread from a self-proclaimed Antifa member named Gwen Snyder. more

35 Comments on Liberal MP says ‘Honk Honk’ is code for ‘Heil Hitler’, cites Antifa as source

  1. My wife is Jewish.

    So your telling me when I give her a Honk-Honk on her cans I’ve been Hitlering her?

    She’s gonna Kill me tonight when I sleep.

  2. For anyone who remembers for a few weeks ago:

    My kids school wrapped up their Olympic Athletics.

    The Israeli Flag I lent was returned in perfect condition & is back on my wall. It is accompanied by my Betsy Ross, My 50 Stars & Korean Indoors.

    The most recent F@CK TRUDEAU is still outside the house UNDISTURBED!

  3. Liberal ignorance is always entertaining. They are desperate to separate the historical Democrat legacy of racism away from todays Democrat party. But then they turn around and push CRT which is nothing more than the low expectations of soft racism. They haven’t changed. Their racism is hereditary.

  4. So all the Canadian geese must be closet Nazi’s since everywhere they go they’re always honking? If I honk up a great big green lugee in disgust and spit at this foolish woman MP does that also make me a suspected Nazi. These liberal/progtard dumbasses don’t even know what a real Nazi was.

  5. Perhaps the Yappy Saks should do some history reading on the matter as well as what “blackface” is regarding the Terrorist Trudeau, Joe Biden, Clintons, Northam, Howard Stern, Jimmy Fallon, Tom Hanks, Alitalia Airlines, Jimmy Kimmel, Kylie Jenner, Ted Danson, Joy Behar, the admitted racist Gov Newsom, the top and bottom-heavy Turk Kim Kardashian, and other longtime long-known career racist sludge.

  6. Yes and “liberal democrat” is code for pandering, false narrative, shit serving, ideology driven, never had a truthful word pass by your lips, denigrating, lower than scum, should have been swallowed fucktard!!!

  7. I’d tell that MP to go get a fukin education and actually learn what the Hell Nazis were all about and what they did before throwing those invectives around willy-nilly you ignorant cunt!!

  8. .a history lesson & admonition for woke-twats:
    .real nazis utilized gun control to enslave & murder millions of europeans (mostly jews) in ww2
    .the virulently anti-semitic “grand mufti” of jerusalem was welcomed in berlin as the ww2 guest of a real nazi named a. hitler- just like the dhimmi-rat “party” welcomed jew-haters grobama, omar, tlaib, & others
    .keep sucking blm/chicom/climate/crt/grobiden/gun control/illegal alien/lgbtq+/muslim/justine turdhole/vaxx dick & swallowing

  9. Code folgt:

    HONK HONK! Beep beep honken honk BEEP! Beep beepin und der honk.
    Beep BEEEP honk honkungrup beep. Beep HONK und HONK beepder abteilungen.

    HONK aaUUgah beep. HONK ring-a-ting beep. HONK :General Lee horn: HONK!


  10. :breathless staffer bursts into office:

    “Sir! We’ve decoded the transmission from O.K.W.”
    “You should read this yourself, Sir.”

    :station chief takes telex in hand, furrows brow while reading.:

    “Thank you Charles, that will be all.”
    “But sir, shouldn’t we inform the Canadians?”

    :room viably darkens as clods pass in front of sun:

    :Station chief turning to face portrait of Miller Reese Hutchison, inventor of the car horn:

    “No….no….I think we should let the Canadians find out for themselves.”

    :Ominous music, scene fades out:

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