Liberal sanctuary cities increase evictions of migrants ahead of 2024 elections – IOTW Report

Liberal sanctuary cities increase evictions of migrants ahead of 2024 elections

Sara Carter-

Cities with the status as sanctuary cities are not so hospitable as the name would suggest leading up to the 2024 elections. With increasing strained resources and a failure by the Biden administration to secure the border, liberal Democratic cities such as Chicago, Denver and New York City are evicting illegal immigrants by the droves. more

10 Comments on Liberal sanctuary cities increase evictions of migrants ahead of 2024 elections

  1. Is it possible the ignorant dumb-fucks have realized it’s time to stop digging when you’re much deeper than you want to go???

    To assume that would be giving them WAY TOO much credit.

  2. @LCD – the political class already has what they wanted from the criminal, foreign invaders (aka “migrants”) which is a ballot that will be voted for them. It’s happening in NY and WI on a massive scale as well as everywhere else I’m sure.

    Excerpts from the article: “In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme – demonstrated in the data – at scale, in multiple states – now – is allegedly registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly formed homeless addresses – then sending the migrants on their way – and collecting their ballots – and voting them.” ……

    In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

    Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

    For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

    In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

    Our migrants take the several grand debit cards, the new clothes, the phone and they grin as they register to vote from that homeless shelter – which has no beds.

    Then they travel from Wisconsin to Michigan – with directions in hand from another religious NGO – who gives them more money, debit cards. It is very entrepreneurial – maybe they are emerging Republicans!

    They register in several states – who knows if they use the same names – there is literally no way to check them – they are untraceable – so 10,000 new illegal voters in Wisconsin may be 10,000 in Minnesota and Michigan – with different names.


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