Liberal ‘thought leader’ roasted by critics accusing her of not knowing how government is funded – IOTW Report

Liberal ‘thought leader’ roasted by critics accusing her of not knowing how government is funded


Critics took aim at progressive activist Nina Turner after she took to social media to claim taxpayers wouldn’t be on the hook for a proposed plan to forgive federal student loans.

“Tell me you don’t know where the federal government gets its money from without saying you don’t know where the federal government gets its money from,” conservative commentator Tim Young said in response to Turner’s post Sunday.

Young took issue with Turner’s argument that forgiving student loans wouldn’t hurt taxpayers, reasoning that it would be “costlier” not to forgive the debts.

“FYI—Student debt cancelation isn’t paid for by the taxpayers, the federal government is the lender,” Turner said on Twitter Sunday. “It’s costlier for the government to hold on to the debt.” But critics were quick to question Turner’s logic, asking where she believes government funds originate. more

14 Comments on Liberal ‘thought leader’ roasted by critics accusing her of not knowing how government is funded

  1. Typical stupid cunt. That’s pretty much all they have on the airways now.

    In reality, student loan “forgiveness” is nothing but corporate welfare because the banks get the US taxpayers to be on the hook for the shitty loans the government forced them to make to worthless morons who had no goddamn business being in college.

  2. There’s a classic movie starring Jean Arthur, called “Easy Living”, in which she argues with a famous Wall Street banker about annualized interest on a 1% monthly rate.

    This is 4 mins, but a nice diversion while we contemplate the idea that people who don’t know much seem to always be talking:

    The entire film is on yt, if you enjoy slapstick comedies.

  3. That Easy Living link gives you the option to download the video. Scroll down below the movie and you’ll see “download options” right click on MPEG4 and select “save link as”. it will name the file with some odd name but after you download it you can rename the movie mp4 file to Easy Living. This way you can watch it when you want to.

  4. A lot of that debt is for PhD’s. If the eggheads want to go to school for 8 years or more they can pay their own way. I have an aunt that married money and spent her whole life in college and she’s a nutjob.

  5. What’s more interesting is the fact that many people don’t see the chronic liar Joe Biden’s “forgiving” promise as yet another one of his longtime career swindling huckster deals. He’s not “forgiving” anything, just using his lie as the vehicle to install more burdensome taxes upon American taxpayers. Biden’s longtime grifting creed: ‘Promise them anything, but give them taxes.’

  6. Let’s see… a ‘liberal thought leader’…

    Has learned to use toilet paper.
    Eats using utensils rather than hands most of the time.
    Shits in the small room with the odd shaped chair, most of the time.
    Washes whole body occasionally.
    Obtains a part of his/her/its income from sources other than handouts.
    No longer lives full time with parents.
    Has not participated in a riot, looting, assault or murder in weeks.
    No longer keeps the bodies of the women he’s murdered in closets in his apartment.
    Can correctly identify and name three or more colors.
    Has a fully operational autonomic nervous system.
    Understands the basics of socks.
    Has stopped masturbating in public, for now.
    Recognizes some relationship between that burning sensation and the bright dancing thing above the wood.
    Understands the anus is (mostly) a one way street.

    Possession of any one of these qualities qualities a person as a ‘liberal thought leader’.

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