Liberalism – IOTW Report


19 Comments on Liberalism

  1. Break one in your newborn kid’s room, HAZMAT!

    I throw spent ones (they last for shit) in the garbage that goes in the landfill just to spite the dicks who came up with this idea.

  2. They made us get rid of mercury-filled thermometers, but promote these as a savior to the environment.

    I wonder what the political affiliation is of the owners of the companies that manufacture these?

  3. I’ve evolved to dimmable LEDs.
    The compact flourescents use half the juice and last longer.
    Of course I squirrelled a couple 150 watt incadescents to heat my chow thru the insurrection.

  4. I work in cubeville. We were able to have facilities pull the overhead fluorescent lights, which are surely a Nazi torture device. We use the fluorescent lights underneath the overhead bins. We put rose colored paper over those lights (an IT idea). The result is an easy on the eye pink glow, works great for 8+ hours of computer work.

  5. January 1 and what was in the front aisle at the local greedy capitalist, fox meat tainted store? Why none other than the best lighbulbs ever invented, but not on sale! Dang GWB and other Rovian Republicans who went along to get along with the DemRats. These, slow to brighten, lightbulbs, are much like the DemRats and RR’s: It takes ’em a while before they see the light, if at all. All hail The O’!

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