Liberals are gunning for your 401(k) – IOTW Report

Liberals are gunning for your 401(k)

American Thinker: Trump-hating liberal activists know how to cause trouble.  With record low unemployment numbers and a thriving economy, we have seen well organized activists interrupting town halls, blocking traffic in major cities, and using violence.

But there is an awful type of activism happening out there, and it affects us all.  Even though this activity is underreported, it affects everyone’s 401(k) retirement savings.

Shareholder activists are taking direct aim at companies — such as oil companies and gun-manufacturers — by abusing rules that publicly traded companies must follow to promote a far-left agenda.  Instead of trying to pass gun control laws through Congress, they are forcing public companies to bend to their will.  What they are doing is dangerous.

The most recent example happened to the legendary gun-maker Smith & Wesson.  As The Free Beacon reported, an obscure women’s group called the Adrian Dominican Sisters has organized its 600 members to become marginal shareholders in gun companies to pass far-left political resolutions.  In this case, Smith & Wesson’s parent company was forced to do a study about so-called “smart guns.”  After an expensive process, the report showed that “smart guns” are not viable, and consumers overwhelmingly do not blame gun-manufacturers for crimes committed by criminals with their products.  Both results are common sense.

Ultimately, Smith & Wesson emphasized that its reputation for supporting the Second Amendment was much more important than attempting to appease its critics.  more here

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