Liberals are right; Their silence is violence – IOTW Report

Liberals are right; Their silence is violence

So here we are. An irrational racial animus inches America toward a second civil war. This animus resists logic, facts, data and evidence of America’s world-leading racial progress. Twitter and its primary user, the mainstream media, power the resistance by giving voice and credibility to an Army of race-hustling charlatans who use negative racial video anecdotes to build a following as activists, the heirs to Martin, Malcolm and Medgar. 

Outkick: Social media promotes an annoying misconception that I don’t believe anti-black racism exists in America. It’s not remotely true.

I just happen to disagree with the mainstream conventional wisdom that the primary drivers of anti-black racism are people who identify themselves or have been labeled as “conservatives.” I’ll elaborate on this point later.

It’s first worth mentioning another popular misconception about me so you will have the necessary context to understand my overall point.

People label me a conservative and assume I support the Republican political party. That, also, is not true. 

I made a conscious decision years ago to avoid politics and shun any political identity. I’ve never voted. I don’t view myself as a conservative.

As a journalist, I do not want my opinions interpreted through the lens of partisan politics. I do not easily trust hardcore political people on either side of the aisle. I believe they are incapable of honesty regardless of political affiliation. 

As a man, as I wrote in my initial column for Outkick, I identify as a Christian American. That’s how I want to be judged publicly. 

Do my public actions glorify God and country? Do they bring honor to my parents, my family and the other people who have assisted my journey?

Trust me, I’m well aware that I have fallen short of my goal from time to time. I’ve made some awful public decisions and have some vices that have been hard to shake. 

But I try to present myself and ideas from the perspective of Christian American. That’s what I believe in. I firmly believe I would sacrifice my life before disavowing Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I also believe I have the courage to surrender my life in service of my country.  more

14 Comments on Liberals are right; Their silence is violence

  1. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
    Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd Social Media is right up there with meth, crack, lead paint chips and a college degree for scrambling the brains of Gen I (for Ignoranus)!

  2. Silence is not violence, speech is not violence, ideas are not violence, counter viewpoints/harsh words/insults, still not violence. The woke thugs have defined the narrative far too long, go peddle your nonsense somewhere else.

    Jason Whitlock is one of the few sports journalists that does not drink the kool-aid, but I would not look to him for any astute or visionary hindsights in the political arena.

  3. I hate labels as much as Whitlock, but we have to have labels as descriptors in order to converse. Whether he knows it or not, Mr Whitlock is a conservative.

  4. Just wait until all references to africa, black Americans, pictures of blacks, and any references to the color black are removed from society. Then all these SJW will be upset that blacks are invisible members of society. Next year you won’t even be able to buy a black pick up.

  5. Quick points.

    Silence is a two letter word. Violence is a three letter word. So that’s bad poetry in no way clever.

    If you have opinions but don’t bother to vote for the candidates that profess to share your sentiments, you are of no value in this culture war. Shut up and go away. I don’t wish to receive your sanctimony.

  6. ….Tired of all the mumbo-jumbo, I no longer give a shit what the liberal, Marxist, commie, democrats say, think or do.

    Phuck each and every one of them.

    When the SHIT HITS the FAN I will be on the side of the ‘GOOD GUYS’.

  7. Imbeciles scouring every aspect of todays culture looking for more and more reasons to find the obscure objects and symbols that give them the satisfaction of becoming outrageously offended.


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