Liberals Lose It Over Lauren Boebert’s Case Against Gun Control in Hearing – IOTW Report

Liberals Lose It Over Lauren Boebert’s Case Against Gun Control in Hearing

15 Comments on Liberals Lose It Over Lauren Boebert’s Case Against Gun Control in Hearing

  1. Her first mistake was trying to implore common sense upon the effete beta males who were listening.

    Ultimately, the power and responsibility to preserve the 2nd Amendment is with each individual behind the trigger.

  2. The liberals think they have a “gotcha” with the militia word in the 2A.

    They’re full of shit. They think we have to be organized by the state to be a lawful militia. The militia in the late 18th century consisted of the individual farmers and townspeople who owned firearms, were patriotic, and organized themselves into an armed force to protect their God-given rights. That’s how it would be today as well.

    We ordinary people are the ones who know when our rights are being trampled on by tyrants, not the politicians (except for a well-known few).


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