Liberals Seem To Be Running Away From Portland – IOTW Report

Liberals Seem To Be Running Away From Portland

h/t JD Hasty.

18 Comments on Liberals Seem To Be Running Away From Portland

  1. Same thing the NYC democrat refuges do, voted for the same things that don’t work and move out and vote the same in other areas. It’s a mental mindset that isn’t fixed from ones experience.

  2. Happening here in Maine too.
    The libidiots move from the cities that have failed due to the policies they voted for and now that they’re moving they’re still voting for the same failed policies.
    Turning the entire country into sh*&holes

  3. So they gave out 6 million needles and there isn’t 6 million dead. My friend who was a dentist had a practice in Portland. He left 5 years ago, he saw what was going to happen. He’s now in Florida. IO don’t want any of them coming to California. Here, they do die. Found a dead 61 yp in a shopping cart who had been wheeled to Food Maxx, and left in front of the store. No one investigated until an anon caller let them know a dead body was in front of their store. He had been there for about 4 days. See, everyone thinks it’s garbage in a shopping cart.

  4. Didn’t a guy get on a Portland City Council zoom meeting and thank Wheeler for allowing some of the best meth in the world to be legally used there? It was hilarious. From the bed of a pick up he tells how great it is to get high all day and not have the cops hassle him. And the CC and Mayor had to sit there while this guy did some Master Level Trolling.


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