Senate Approves ControlaVirus Relief Bill – One Republican Misses Vote – IOTW Report

Senate Approves ControlaVirus Relief Bill – One Republican Misses Vote

After Senators hash out an agreement, COVID-19 bill heads back to the House for final approval.
After a marathon debate and vote-a-rama, which included a historic 11 hour and 50-minute vote on a minimum wage amendment, the upper chamber on March 6 voted to pass a $1.9 trillion dollar COVID-19 relief bill. Because one GOP senator, Dan Sullivan, had to return to Alaska to attend a family funeral, the bill was passed by a 50-49 margin. Sullivan’s absence, though, merely hastened the inevitable outcome: had he not been called home, Kamala Harris would have cast a deciding vote, assuring the bill’s passage.

The negotiations, objections, and compromises – such as they were – are now history, for better or worse. The bill will be returned to the House of Representatives for final approval before heading to the Oval Office. For Democrats, the main obstacle turned out to be an objection from one of their own; Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). read more

13 Comments on Senate Approves ControlaVirus Relief Bill – One Republican Misses Vote

  1. I know this is probably not popular but:

    (Toronto funerals have been limited in size up here for the last 51 weeks since Controlla Virus. “… 10 people or less including funeral staff”)

    Now the bill was officially passed rather than forced through. History will treat it differently as such.

  2. This money will disappear just as the TARP money disappeared and the “infrastructure” money disappeared.
    Not a single American will benefit from this monstrosity (plenty of anti-American politically-connected traitors will, however).

    Not a single virus will be killed.

    You cannot alleviate the sufferings of a hoax.
    Controla Virus, or Wuhan Flu, or Kung Flu, whatever you call it, is a hoax – and this is another method of stealing from the taxpayers.

    Get ready for another Great Disappearing Act!
    Then the maggots will bray about “unintended consequences,” “paradoxes,” and other stupid bullshit, and the sheeple will eat it up.

    And no one will follow the money to see how it’s spent or what good it is supposed to do.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Per usual a bill is passed in a do only for self-interest Congress that would only serve it’s covert masters and neglect nay antagonize the silenced majority of real Americans who are being manipulated, lied to, and rendered into soylent green.

    Welcome to the end of Exceptionalism and the beginning of gulag America.

  4. @Anonymous

    It depends what you spend money on.

    Creating a third gender bathrooms = WASTE
    Beveling curbs on sidewalk intersections so people in wheelchairs can get around = Investment

    Similar concepts, very very different practical benefits.

  5. The funeral was for Sullivan’s father in law. Granted this country is going to hell in a handbasket, and this one spending bill isn’t going to make or break us, but I’m thinking as close as the vote was that he should have been there. Just think if they could have flipped one donkey.

  6. What?

    You mean he couldn’t just vote by mail-in ballot?

    You mean he couldn’t just vote by absentee ballot?

    You mean the relaxed voting standards that Congress wants to apply to presidential elections are not acceptable for legislative votes?


  7. TN Tuxedo – “…You mean he couldn’t just vote by mail-in ballot?…”

    You gave me an idea as to how the republicans can block the democrats’ legislative agenda. Install the “Patriot Vote Tabulating System” that has an algorithm that switches Dem votes from YEA to NAY.


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