Libs No Longer Want Megyn Kelly – IOTW Report

Libs No Longer Want Megyn Kelly

DailyCaller: Megyn Kelly’s brand has yet to recover from the debacle of her interview with Infowars proprietor Alex Jones.

When NBC News revealed a teaser of Kelly’s interview with Jones early last week, the journalistic consensus was that she gave a platform to a monster. In spite of Jones running a popular radio show and website and boasting of links to the President of the United States, liberal journalists and activists said she was “normalizing” a dangerous conspiracy theorist who once claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was a false flag operation.

The preview showed no evidence that Kelly was going to offer support for Jones’s views and it makes sense for a newsmagazine show to interview somebody who is both influential and controversial. They are supposed to highlight interesting trends and figures in the news, you know.

But the intense blowback to an unseen interview forced NBC to re-edit the segment to make Jones look even worse than he did in the original version. Reports of this occurring earned Kelly a broadside from the interview subject himself, who published embarrassing phone calls he had with Kelly that made the NBC personality look like she was sucking up to him.  more here

24 Comments on Libs No Longer Want Megyn Kelly

  1. ME!gan Kelly blew her wad during the debates.
    Honestly, I believe she is WAY more intelligent than most of her newsreader counterparts. That was what triggered her flaw. She knew it and her ego balloon became so inflated it elevated her above her proper status. Then Trump burst it!

  2. It would serve to remember that before she went on her Trump Trashing Crusade she was a conservative darling. She wasn’t afraid to cross swords with Democrats, progressives and other lowlife and was the toast of the town. Her Trump antics and O’Reilly issues lost her some support and the gigantic ego she developed pretty well finished off her Fox tenure. Having said that she was upfront about looking for pastures better suited to hold her ego and with a bigger checkbook then Fox was willing to bring and she found it at MSNBC. I think they saw her as one of their steps to appear to get back to even-handed news reporting but tripped badly with Kelly. They gave her loads of dough, allowed to to pretty well create her own show with a format she wanted and likely pick her own guests. The result seems to have been a disaster. MSNBC may now be stuck with a person who neither the left nor the right will watch in any great numbers and a big contract to contend with. Not sure what they’ll do at this point.

  3. She was never more than a placeholder at FOX between BOR and Hannity. Even so 50% of BOR’s audience changed channels when Me-again appeared and did not return to FOX until Hannity at 10.
    FOX viewers were done with her when she attacked Trump at the first debate.
    She was auditioning for MSM and thought burning her bridges with Patriots was easily affordable.
    Kelly’s agent/s got her a mind boggling $20M from gullible NBC. So, for MK, mission accomplished. She can quit tomorrow, never work again, and spend the next 45 years perfecting her Leona Helmsley act for all the unfortunate servants and resort staff she meets.

  4. She did the same thing interviewing the domestic terrorist bomber professor, Bill Ayers while she was still with Fox. Giving that cretin a ‘platform’ of respect sullied her credentials and those of Fox.

  5. 20 million is a pretty small price for destroying the competition, especially in media dollars.

    First Bill and now Kelly, both sizable draws on Fox that are now gone. Great strategy, they got off cheap.

  6. Even during the height of her “famousness” we called her “that yappy little chi-wa-wa” for her insistence on rudely interrupting her guests with her barks and dominating the slant of the interviews.

    We turned her off way back then.

  7. It’s like someone should have told megyn kelly that the left-wing is filled with back-stabbing, temperamental snowflakes that will turn on her over nothing.

    You’d think a political journalist would have sniffed that one out. . .

  8. If nothing else, Jones will be remembered as the guy who fired the finishing torpedo into Kelly’s career. Trump holed her, Kelly failed to mend the damage, and Jones just about sank her ass. Serves her arrogant ass right.

  9. BFH,
    I’d LOVE to see that picture of MeAgain waving placed in the front of the picture of obama waving in front of the leaders of other countries. Her hand can cover his face as his hand covers someone else’s.

  10. She’s kinda short on options now isn’t she. Well 20 mil is big money, in that world it won’t last long. Especially with that loser husband of hers that can’t write wortha flip nor sell his drivel. She’s got a couple years yet she can hook but she better work fast. Backstabbers like her don’t tend to have a lot of loyal friends. Tsk Tsk

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