Libs of TikTok’ Lawyer Pulling No Punches on Groomers – IOTW Report

Libs of TikTok’ Lawyer Pulling No Punches on Groomers

Intentionally confusing young schoolchildren by inundating them with gender identity nonsense and the like should be considered a crime against humanity. It is an attack against the Biblical truth of Genesis 5:2 that when God created humans, “male and female he created them. He blessed them and named them ‘human.’” The gender identity movement is also an affront to common sense.

Ron Coleman, who was part of the Trump legal team and is a partner at Dhillon Law Group, has had enough. His firm represents “Libs of Tik Tok,” a Twitter account that exposes the far-left gender identity activists for what they really are: groomers.

The creator of LoTT remained anonymous until Taylor Lorenz, the Washington Post’s hypocritical internet culture reporter, wrote an expose in which she doxed the woman behind LoTT, publicly sharing personal information including her home and workplace addresses. Leftists try to suppress the First Amendment because they know full well that when their useful idiots go public, they look very, very bad to us common folk.

LoTT posts video clips of gender identity activists plying their trade on Twitter. The clips have been posted elsewhere on social media by the activists themselves. LoTT gathers clips into a freakshow forum.

LoTT is not a hit operation. It merely highlights what the crazies are saying about themselves. The site does little in the way of editing or commenting on the clips. MORE

10 Comments on Libs of TikTok’ Lawyer Pulling No Punches on Groomers

  1. For decades I have not been bashful when it comes to telling people who have not lived in close proximity to a critical mass of the subhuman pieces of shit that they don’t have a clue regarding the depths of depravity the followers of the progressive philosophy actually operate in. There has been a lot of skepticism, denial and pushback until the last few years. I just don’t get that any longer. What I get is people telling me they have seen what progressivism has to offer and have seen and heard it on videos produced and uploaded to the internet by the very individuals they have defended. And what they have seen is unbelievable that human beings could sink that low. My response is: That’s nothing. When I say that their capacity for wickedness and evil is absolutely limitless I mean that literally, not figuratively.

  2. If gender is a decision of a person rather than an immutable biological fact, a child cannot make an informed decision of this magnitude. If gender is biologically determined, it is immoral to teach a child that gender change is possible and even desirable.

  3. @ WHERE IS HUNTER’S LAPTOP ??? APRIL 23, 2022 AT 7:58 PM

    When I used to say to people: Think of the absolute worst imaginable acts anyone could possibly engage in and they will easily meet and exceed them. Then once you have moved the bar and they will show you that they can sink even lower into. State of depravity. What people have to get their minds around is that these subhuman pieces of shit have, of their own volition, turned their back on what it means to give up your birthright as a child of God and throw in with the forces of evil and wickedness.

    They are actively hostile to The Good and the willing footsoldiers in Satan’s Army. Sad, but true.

  4. saw Dr. Fau Chi on Cavuto today. he was bitching about the removal of the mask mandate for the TSA, saying judges shouldn’t be meddling in medical decisions

    well? …. what about teachers?

    p.s. I remember when school nurses were not even allowed to give kids an aspirin

  5. The evil decending on us is of biblical proportions.

    The domestic and international leaders bringing this have no sense of morality at all. No doubt George, Klaus, Biden, etc., think they are saving the world and humanity. So did Hitler, Stalin, Mao and others. They have adequately shown that trying to perfect the world by murdering millions is so evil as to be beyond comprehensible.

  6. “No doubt George, Klaus, Biden, etc., think they are saving the world and humanity.”

    I beg to differ on this first set of people you list. They know they are trying to kill off most of the world for evil reasons.

  7. @Dadof4 April 23, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    > They know they are trying to kill off most of the world for evil reasons.

    The reason (singular) they want to murder most of humanity is, actually, a very good reason.

    The evil is in who they believe should survive.


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