LIBS OF TIKTOK: The ADL tried to deplatform me on X after defaming me, and now Elon Musk plans to expose them  – IOTW Report

LIBS OF TIKTOK: The ADL tried to deplatform me on X after defaming me, and now Elon Musk plans to expose them 


The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1910 with an explicit mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment for all,” but in recent years they have completely gone off the rails. 

In recent years though, it seems the ADL simply attacks anyone who doesn’t go along with the far-left agenda. The ADL targeted me, a young conservative Jewish woman, for speaking out against wokeness, far-left indoctrination of children, and the medical mutilation of minors under the guise of gender ideology. 

On Monday, Elon Musk revealed that the ADL had “pushed hard for us to shut down accounts like Chaya’s, even though it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism, which is their supposed charter!”  more here

7 Comments on LIBS OF TIKTOK: The ADL tried to deplatform me on X after defaming me, and now Elon Musk plans to expose them 

  1. The ADL has been anti-semitic itself for a long time.
    It’s time for them to police their own ranks or besat
    with hypocritical nonstential idiocy.

    If they do not want themselves to exist


  2. Maybe the things Musk went through when the talk of his buying Twitter first came up has opened his eyes.

    It pays to have friends in high places and hopefully we will get more and more.

  3. … but in recent years they have completely gone off the rails.

    Um, how recent? The ADL has been little more than a progressive movement front group for as long as I can remember.

  4. “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people, and to secure justice and fair treatment for all,”

    Once an organization starts spewing “justice and fair treatment,” I automatically distrust them and label them as traitors. In every case, the leaders of those organizations live high off the hog on others.

  5. I guess Chaya is not the right kind of orthodox Jewish woman, and is therefore not worthy of protection by the ADL. Whatever that means; I’ll have to consult my Third Reich doctrine notebook to see.


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