Libscience claims citizenship question on Census will make people sick – IOTW Report

Libscience claims citizenship question on Census will make people sick

AT: Marxists believed that all forms of science should serve Marxism.  So did Maoists, calling on the masses to be “Red and Expert.”  So it should be no surprise that liberals are doing the same thing.

A few days ago, it was psychologists who were concerned that enforcing immigration law gives illegal alien children post-traumatic stress disorder; today, it is doctors claiming that putting a question about citizenship on the Census will jeopardize the health of the nation as a whole.

Sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?  But no, they really mean it:

The fear is that immigrants – even those in the country legally – will not participate in any government-sponsored questionnaire that could expose them, their family members, or friends to deportation.  But low response rates from any demographic group would undermine the validity of the next decade of health statistics and programs, health experts warn.

Isn’t it great that we have health experts?  These are probably the same health experts who cook up the flu vaccine every year, which works 10% or less of the time.

Scientists use census data to understand the distribution of health conditions across the United States population.  In turn, officials use the data to target interventions and distribute federal funding.

When census results are released, scientists often measure the impact of a disease by comparing its prevalence to the total population.  With skewed census data, public health officials may invest in solving a problem that does not exist – or worse, may overlook one that does.

“This is completely foundational,” said Michael Fraser, the executive director of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.  “We take for granted that we have a really accurate understanding of who lives in this country: their ages, ethnicities, where they live.”

So, Dr. Fraser wants all the information he can get – ages, ethnicities, and so on – except for one thing: he doesn’t want to know if the people who fill out the census are from another country!  Given that diseases can cross borders along with foreign nationals, don’t you think this is extremely useful information that any professional epidemiologist would be desperate to know? READ MORE

10 Comments on Libscience claims citizenship question on Census will make people sick

  1. Pure, unadulterated Lysenkoism.
    The past as prologue.
    Nothing new under the Sun.
    The mystery is: “Why would anyone be so fuckin dumb as to fall for this bullshit?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @tctsunami February 16, 2018 at 10:33 am

    “All of this would be a non issue if our boarder and immigration laws were being enforced.”

    All of this would be a non-issue if the census counted citizens for Congressional apportionment.


  3. Why should I care if an illegal gets PTSD or some other illness and the government doesn’t know about it? Once they’re deported, they won’t have to stress out anticipating being deported. I should care the census is skewed to NOT INCLUDE ILLEGALS, and my money isn’t directed towards their “problems”? Sounds like something to celebrate. I have zero phux to give for these criminals.

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