lice, cockroaches and Clintons – IOTW Report

lice, cockroaches and Clintons


CFP: Three creatures on earth are impossible to get rid of: lice, cockroaches and Clintons.

Hillary Clinton spent a third of her miserable adult life trying to get into the White House. Now the nation’s failed Harridan-in-Chief is determined to spend her remaining years blaming everyone, from Matt Lauer to the Electoral College, for having to live out the rest of her life in flat broke poverty in the eleven rooms of her Georgian Colonial mansion (and the neighboring mansion in their cul-de-sac too).

Current ‘blamees’ include:

  • The FBI
  • Millions of white people
  • Sexism
  • The Russians
  • Russian sexism
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Jill Stein
  • Joe Biden
  • Matt Lauer
  • The Electoral College.

And probably the starting lineup of the Denver Broncos. You’ll have to buy the book for the full list.  MORE

16 Comments on lice, cockroaches and Clintons

  1. Some pictures are never meant to be seen – this family has heaped so much pain, misery, and suffering on others that it is hard to admit they may have actually did something so mundane as pose with the duck at a Disney site.

    Of course in their case VIP meant “vicious insidious predators.”

    What is their body count? But look on the bright side – no one’s ever though Hilary was a transvestite (Lesbian maybe) or that Bill wasn’t a heterosexual predator.

  2. Swing and a miss. I can think of four guys that cost her the election, starting with Ambassador Chris Stevens.
    Well, that’s not exactly accurate. Again it was Hillary’s lack of interest in the plight she placed them in and her uncaring response that did her in. Who would want that as president?

    But at this point what difference does it make?

  3. As one of them dumbass old deplorable sexist fascist homophobic xenophobic islamYphobes and whatever else I’m labeled as this week, I’m sho glad we be havin that thar Electrical College.

  4. Frankly I take great pride in being one of the “millions of white people” who stopped her from fulfilling her life’s dream. My dream for Hillary’s life and our country came true.

    She can blame whomever she wants. I love the fact that she will never ever let this go, and that it will eat her up for her remaining years.

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