Lie-den Backtracks on Promise to Reopen Schools in First 100 Days – IOTW Report

Lie-den Backtracks on Promise to Reopen Schools in First 100 Days

Speaking of the first 100 days-
I’m betting we can expect Biden to be bumped from the job before end of April.

When [allegedly] 0bama asked Chief Justice Roberts how they could be rid of President Trump, Roberts told him that within the first 100 days, you have to get him on ‘something’ and he could be removed.
From which came the ludicrous ideas ‘Russia Gate’, ‘quid pro quo’, and so on.

What will the Left use against Biden?
There’s so much to choose from and it may be Hunter Biden who provides the dirt.

PJM: As early as last December, Joe Biden was promising to reopen schools his first 100 days in office. This was a very popular idea among parents who were nearly desperate to keep their children from falling further behind.

But that promise was made before the teachers’ union moved the goalposts — again — and decided that schools shouldn’t open until teachers and their union members were vaccinated.

The teachers broke fundraising records to get Biden elected and demanded fealty. The Biden administration — like mayors across the country — gave it.

“His goal that he set is to have the majority of schools—so more than 50 percent—open by day 100 of his presidency, and that means some teaching in classrooms,” press secretary Psaki said. “Teaching at least one day a week in the majority of schools by day 100.”

That’s a far cry from “opening” the schools to in-person instruction. Here’s what was in the  National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness document released in January.

“The United States is committed to ensuring that students and educators are able to resume safe, in-person learning as quickly as possible, with the goal of getting a majority of K-8 schools safely open in 100 days,” the document reads. read more

12 Comments on Lie-den Backtracks on Promise to Reopen Schools in First 100 Days

  1. I wonder if they will prop him up until the 2 year + 1 day mark. If Kamala ascends to the throne in the 2nd half of his term and is “re-elected” in 2024, she would still be eligible to run again in 2028. And with Dominion machines in place in key states, she will win both times.

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