Lieu, Schiff unveil bill for national ban of rodent glue traps – IOTW Report

Lieu, Schiff unveil bill for national ban of rodent glue traps

With a national debt topping $34 trillion, an increase of $24 trillion in the past 15 years alone, and upwards of 10 million illegal immigrants invading our wide-open southern border in the past three years, you can count on Democrats to be focused on problem-solving.

26 Comments on Lieu, Schiff unveil bill for national ban of rodent glue traps

  1. Coming soon: Federal Rodent buy-backs, funded by the feds, wherein citizens turn in live rodents for cash and the rodents are transported to the wilds and released. Could be a whole new Federal agency.

  2. About 30 years ago they had a real bad problem with rats where I worked, they were running up and down halls during the day and crawling under cubicle walls. All day long you could hear women screaming. Exterminators came and glue traps were part of the program. People in the stockroom started each day by clubbing to death the rats caught in the glue traps

  3. Looking out for rat welfare… “easier” deaths. And they quoted the CDC, who are the foremost purveyors of death.

    Fuck all of these scumbags.

  4. I much prefer the old fashioned snap drap. Instant death. Glue traps still require you to kill the critter while it struggles and screams for help. How is that humane?

    Still I see no need for the Feds to be involved. They must have a scheme to tie Ukraine funding to it.

  5. So, what do homeowners do when the vermin overtake their house? This is ridiculous.

    Should they live trap all the rodents, arachnids, and assorted bug vermin and send them to the White House and Capitol Building?


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