Life is Like a Box of Douchebags – IOTW Report

Life is Like a Box of Douchebags

I’m sure Tom Hanks is proud of his little “gangsta.”

Howard Stern has been making fun of Tom Hanks’ wannabe gangsta rappin’ son, Chet Haze (Chester Hanks.) So Chet took to Twitter (how gangsta) to call Stern out.


That message then led to a barrage of tweets from Chet, whose legal name is Chester Hanks, that were all later deleted but tracked by numerous media sites.“Let me come up on your show bitch,” he wrote. “Come catch this fade … have me live on the air and we can go pound for pound see who looks like the fool… easy to talk s–t in a closed off room… have me up there in the studio with you let’s give the [people] what they want.”

The tweets went on to become more threatening. “Do you have any idea how badly I am going to assault you when I see you… You can’t run from me forever knock knees… Listen. One day, maybe tomorrow, maybe 10 years from now, I am going to see you in person, and I am going to hurt you,” he wrote. “I hope you travel with security!!! PLEASE have me on the show… it’s a shame you don’t hang in the same circles as my family (not enough bread for that) cuz if you did I woulda already seen u.”


TrueNews posted this picture of Haze and Stern.

If Chet wasn’t so a low IQ debater he could point out the irony of Stern calling him a “wigger” while utilizing the Black Power logo for his radio show.

2iqhl7aht/ rob e.


34 Comments on Life is Like a Box of Douchebags

  1. ok so someone has to say it. go ahead and pull those triggers! First off If those are real 45s, your grip is way to weak and most likely you would miss and just get a serious wrist strain but of course if you did hit, well look where the guns are pointing. yeah you bad

  2. Well, ya can’t win every time. Tom Hanks’ other son, Colin, is at least as good an actor as his dad. I saw him in an episode of DEXTER and he played a convincing nutcase out to destroy the world. In fact he has a wife and two kids.

    Isn’t the black power logo a LEFT hand?

  3. They should shoot it out. Settle it like men. Hopefully they both parish slowly in a hail of un properly aimed lead projectiles. If we get lucky Tom will get caught in the middle trying to break it up.

  4. Boobie The Rocket Dog. Colin’s documentary about Tower Records just premiered. It sounds fascinating.

    No matter how hard one tries, you can’t be a thug when your birth name is “Chester.” (Snicker…snicker)

    Here. I got a rap song for ya white BOYYYYYYYYY!!!

    “Chestah. Chestah.
    You’re a child molestah
    YO.” (fold arms)

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