Life Wouldn’t Be The Same Without These 25 Accidents – IOTW Report

Life Wouldn’t Be The Same Without These 25 Accidents

From the Bullpen:

Every day, you probably use a few items that were originally invented by complete accident. It’s much more common than you realize for modern inventions
to be discovered by accident.

-  Bitterclinger
22.) Microwaves: Percy Spencer, an engineer working for Raytheon, walked in front of a Magnetron he noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket melted. Later, he put together his first microwave oven.
22.) Microwaves: Percy Spencer, an engineer working for Raytheon, walked in front of a Magnetron he noticed that the chocolate bar in his pocket melted. Later, he put together his first microwave oven.


3 Comments on Life Wouldn’t Be The Same Without These 25 Accidents

  1. That is a good site. I’ve shown my 9 year old grandson a lot of interesting stories and pictures from them (this one included) and I have not seen anything there that was inappropriate.

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