Light Will Follow This Flood-tide Of Darkness – IOTW Report

Light Will Follow This Flood-tide Of Darkness


James Howard Kunstler-
The frenzy around the Christmas holiday conceals deeper currents running through advanced techno-industrial societies like froth on the surface of a raging river that surges with dangerous, hidden flotsam. We’re informed that the next James Bond might be a transsexual. But, you see, it’s not just that Hollywood is running out of gimmicks for its floundering “franchises,” but rather that there has been no place for men these days in the struggle to prevent civilization from drowning. The lifeguards are cancelled. All that’s left in the commotion of the flood is the shrieking of women.

Thus, the hysteria over Trumpism. America actually needed a rescue operation and, defective as he was personality-wise, Mr. Trump rose above the surge and called for exactly that, and was pulled under for the effrontery of saying so. It was a bad time to be a man standing out among men. The torrent is in charge now, not the people bobbing and flailing in it. Ride it out, if you can. By and by, the flood will subside and the survivors will be cast back on shore. The shrieking women will also subside, because the men will tell them to cut it out. And then the men and women will go forth reconstructing the human project here in North America. more here

16 Comments on Light Will Follow This Flood-tide Of Darkness

  1. …for a representation of Light Following The Flood Tide Of Darkness, here’s an image of a “destroyed” Church in Mayfield, KY from which, undaunted, the Light of the Lord shines forth still…

    …this reminds us that the building is not the Church (Colossians 1:18-29), the faithful in Christ are, and that we do not worship a building but an indomitable Lord (Acts 7:48), and that He shines brightest after even the darkest storms to lead us away from this land where destruction and disease reigns to one where only HE reigns over ALL (Matt.6:19-21)…

    Dear Lord, we thank You and praise You for those people who lived through that terrible night with their lives intact, for those whose familes were able to reconcile, and for those who rescued them from the ruins of buildings with Your guidance and Your help. We commend to You those who went to join You that night as well, and beseech that You ease the suffering of those who they left behind in this world and grant them the Blessed Assurance that their loved ones continue still with You, and that You who hold all in His hands hold those departed in peace and safety, and that they may be reunited anon on that Great Getting Up Morning if only they turn to You. Lord, we thank You for Your light in the darkness, and for Your sign here and in many other places that You have not withdrawn Your spirit from the world and that it yet strives with man to bring all home who would recieve You, and that no darkness is permanant and Your light will always shine forth no matter how powerful the storm, for you are more powerful than all. Bind the wounds of the injured and help them in their quest to occupy with rebuilding Your house where Your church may gather once again in praise and thanksgiving to celebrate the birth of the only Hope of Mankind, Your Son Jesus Christ, and to recieve His salvation as a freely gift in this season of giving as the most precious gift of all.

    Lord, we are not worthy but by the Blood of Your Son, but by that Blood we ask You as You command us in Your word to see us through these darkest of times and our own personal struggles with our own familes, that You touch the hearts of each and every one with Your light, and that it shines out to lead us all to the only eternal Truth their is, the Truth of the One True Lord and His church reunited by His Mercy and His Grace forever and ever, amen.

    Revelation 21:4

    ” And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

    God Bless,

  2. It is always darkest before the dawn.

    Our country is in dire, dire straights but doom is not imminent, a correction is. I am looking forward to Gods correction (some may say punishment) of this country. We allowed satanists and pedophiles to rule us and entertain us and teach our children but their end is in sight. The only way this will be corrected is by Gods Hand, not mans, not elections, not civil war. The evil ones will bow their knee to Him or they will be destroyed. Politicians have been found wanting. Its like Bel Shazzar and the writing on the wall. Their days are numbered.

    If you are really curious about what God has done in past situations with His rebellious people and what He will do, watch Elijah Streams with guest Robbin Bullock on rumble if you want some insight on how God will move. If you only attend Church on Christmas or Easter you need to watch them to see what you are missing. Those of us here that eagerly persue Christ will be seriously encouraged by their discussion. I was blessed by it.

  3. “All that’s left in the commotion of the flood is the shrieking of women.”
    Exactly! It’s called FEMINISM. A Marxist construct. The root of the corruption society is suffering today. Once most women walked away from the honor of being wives and mothers – in that order, most men relinquished their roles as leaders of the family and community -replaced by the State.

    Yes, God is the only one who can fix and stabilize this nation and the world. There is hope in Christ.
    Men and women have proven over and over, since Adam and Eve, they are completely inept at turning away from the desire to be destructive and evil.

  4. Charlie I watched much of that link and enjoyed and learned. The explanation of why “the left” can’t see or understand that which is in front of them–explanation of 4 steps to subversion==really good!!! ty

  5. If you listen to late teen and early twenties to be able to state unequivocally that the pushback is going to be enormous and potentially violent. They discuss among themselves what they will not share publicly and they are preparing for a future conflict unless this shit stops.

  6. Claudia DECEMBER 15, 2021 AT 6:55 PM

    “The shrieking women will also subside, because the men will tell them to cut it out.”

    I long for that day. I want men to be able to be men again. And women to be women.

    We’ll call it… Sammich World !

    Dude’s gotta eat while telling peeps to cut it out. Just sayin’

  7. The shrieking women will also subside, because the men will tell them to cut it out.


    @99th Squad Leader December 15, 2021 at 1:26 pm
    > God is the only one who can fix and stabilize this nation and the world.

    Again, no.
    (Though, even a Levantine G-d, could. Just saying, that higher grade of Higher Power, isn’t even in the magnitude of required.)

    Things with Y-chromosomes destroyed the world. A world they can, just as easily, rebuild. Better. (Apologies to Brandon.)

    Hate to write it, but the feminists are right about this: Men are the cause of all that is wrong with the world. Not for the feminists’ “reasons”, of course. But that doesn’t change the answer.


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