Lights, Camera, No Action in Detroit – IOTW Report

Lights, Camera, No Action in Detroit

Detroit spent 33 MILLION dollars on a state of the art television recording studio so that kids can be taught the ropes about broadcasting. Not ONE DAY was the studio opened for learning. Not one.

It’s been ten years since they bought the equipment. Now it requires about half a million to bring it up to today’s technology.

Story HERE. (You should see this studio. It’s better than the studio the broadcaster reporting the story is in.)

ht. Rob e.

8 Comments on Lights, Camera, No Action in Detroit

  1. What do they call that when some white reporter is working outside on-camera and black boys start doing the endzone nigajig in the background?

    It’s one thing to spend 33 million of GM’s tax dollars “for the children.” It’s another to get the children to stop playing around with serious equipment and try to learn its legitimate use, especially when the teacher is white.

    Was it Mark Twain who labeled them “ineducable?”

  2. “They built the damn school for the purpose of educating….”

    Bullshit, they built the school to pad some corporate pocketbook and everyone knows it. We call it crony-capitalism.

    The only way this ever stops is when we hit rock bottom.

  3. Yep. Some Dem Donor got $33 Million out of that deal.

    This is the face of politics today.

    Pick a Party – doesn’t matter.

    Remember Kasich quoting scripture over that socialized medical insurance boondoggle ObamaCare? They will continue to thieve until We make it a capital offense.

  4. Union pay off and training a new generation of democrat propagandist but nobody was there to train the propagandist.
    I can hear it now: Teaching? That’s not my job, I’m calling the teacher’s union!

  5. Down deep I don’t want to go this route but there’s something very, very attractive about the Chinese govt’s death penalty for corruption. And it doesn’t seem to matter to them whether the corruption is private (e.g. foodstuff adulteration), or public (e.g. bribes and kickbacks for contracts and permits).

    Of course, the penalty is only applied to crooks who don’t go high enough in the chain of payoff takers.

  6. I bet they were real excited when $33 million of high tech equipment was installed. And then it dawned on all the faculty…”Hey, anybody know how dis shit works?” Followed by crickets.

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