Lights have been on at school because no one can turn them off – IOTW Report

Lights have been on at school because no one can turn them off

NBC: WILBRAHAM, Mass. — For nearly a year and a half, a Massachusetts high school has been lit up around the clock because the district can’t turn off the roughly 7,000 lights in the sprawling building.

The lighting system was installed at Minnechaug Regional High School when it was built over a decade ago and was intended to save money and energy. But ever since the software that runs it failed on Aug. 24, 2021, the lights in the Springfield suburbs school have been on continuously, costing taxpayers a small fortune.

“We are very much aware this is costing taxpayers a significant amount of money,” Aaron Osborne, the assistant superintendent of finance at the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District, told NBC News. “And we have been doing everything we can to get this problem solved.”

Osborne said it’s difficult to say how much money it’s costing because during the pandemic and in its aftermath, energy costs have fluctuated wildly. more

23 Comments on Lights have been on at school because no one can turn them off

  1. The Energy wasted in the baloney prognostications of county money grubber planners that promote future savings pipe dreams to profit off new supply chains . . .



  2. Assuming it is some cheap Chinesium controller (since the NBC article says parts are from China), there has to be a lighting control panel somewhere, with contactors in it. Even with no drawings it shouldn’t take long to figure out what “zones” are on which contactors. Easy fix would be switches on the outside of the box wired to the coils of the contactors so non-electricians could turn then on/off. There also has to be breakers somewhere, some places require electricians to kill breakers, which is dumb.

  3. if they pay for my transportation, I will go there and make their lights go off.
    don’t know if they’ll ever go on again, so we should discuss that first
    it is already broken, it just needs to be broken different

  4. a pair of 9″ Klien pliers will take care of the problem just fine.

    jeez, they’re already flipping breakers …
    hire an electrician to install timers off the breakers.

    or get the computer nerds in the classrooms to fix the ladder logic.

  5. TrueStory™

    Stayed at a place
    The TV Front Lobby Room where you’re meant to relax
    Had New Fangled LECTROTECH Lighting installed
    Someone, somewhere turned the online profile for the “LIGHTING”
    The Lights would cycle through every color
    Flash and Blink and Dim and UnDim
    All Night and Day Long
    And may even still be that way to this day
    Because none of the staff
    Knew anything about the APP

    Ain’t that Funny?
    And Telling.


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