‘Like a bar code’: Andrew Yang calls for way to show proof of someone’s vaccination – IOTW Report

‘Like a bar code’: Andrew Yang calls for way to show proof of someone’s vaccination

Weren’t dems in love with Bill Clinton’s HIPAA law just a minute ago?

Blaze: Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is calling for a system people can use to provide proof that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19, suggesting something “like a bar code they can download to their phone” would make it easier to safely congregate.

Yang, whose campaign for the White House was based on a platform calling for universal basic income, tweeted Friday, “Is there a way for someone to easily show that they have been vaccinated – like a bar code they can download to their phone? There ought to be.” more

79 Comments on ‘Like a bar code’: Andrew Yang calls for way to show proof of someone’s vaccination

  1. I understand that he is considering running for mayor of NYC–I don’t think this idea is going go over well with its large Jewish population. Do any of these “politicians” ever think before engaging their mouths? (rhetorical question)

  2. I watched a ‘history channel’ show about Ulysses S Grant. The show spoke of his role in ending the confederacy. The end of the war. And his presidency and his war against the KKK, never once mentioning that REPUBLICANS brought down the confederacy, took the bullet from democrat John Wilkes Booth, suffered the democrats KKK murders of newly freed black men in the south.

    Democrat party didn’t come up once. Not once.
    Shame on history channel. Stick with what you know. Stupid shit like ancient aliens.

  3. I have to have people come over to my house, and use the phone to call my Doctor to read them my vaccination report now?

    My phone doesn’t travel, it’s screwed to the wall, and it doesn’t ‘download.’

  4. You can identify those who fell for the vaccine scam by the observing whether (a) they exude a miasma of toxic smugness compounded with fatuity, (b) they are lying on the ground, twitching and gasping for air, their faces swollen to the size of soccer balls, dying of allergic anaphylactixis, or (c) they are dead.

  5. @PHenry… I haven’t have tv for 17-18 years but even then It was referred to as the :Revisionist History Channel
    I expected nothing less from DizKnee then… I knew nothing would change.

  6. PHenry. I recorded and watched the Grant series. They erred in many ways. Grant was NOT a drunk. On the occasion when he DID drink he just couldn’t hold it. He was that friend that had 2 whiskeys and was suddenly slurring and wobbly.

    Read Ron Chernow’s Grant biography. I did. Good stuff

  7. Better be prepping and stocking up. They’re going to do it, and it’s only a matter of time. The handwriting is on the wall. The panicked sheep are clamoring for their tags, and the only thing slowing the tagging down is the rollout of the vacseem. Shop til you drop, patriots. I give it two years before you can’t buy or sell without the mark. It may seem a long way off, but it’s not. They’re going for the gold with covid.

  8. “And only Jews would go along with it and continue to vote for them.”….you serious?….you joking?….What?…sarcastic?…..Please let me know….explain that comment please….

  9. It really makes you wonder if there is a chip in that shot. If not that little card they’re handing out is easily faked and so is a bar code on your phone.
    Something I read though claims the shot only offers immunity for 6 months, so are they planning on people to keep coming back?

  10. Innocent question Brad. Why the anger….My Jewish background kinds of wants to know…..I think your last comment should be engraved on your front porch so your wife knows your home….

  11. Willy
    Innocent huh? I doubt it. There’s 1.1 million Jews in NYC. And every last one of them votes Democrat. You didn’t know this?
    Don’t piss off my wife she’ll kick your retarded ass too.

  12. YEAH DUMBASS…It WAS an innocent question….What in the fuck is wrong with you?…I’m not a practicing Jew. Never knew I might have been Jewish. Hell, we didn’t practice anything, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Catholic, anything.We practiced the be a good human being concept Then we found some papers from when the German side of the family came over in the late 1890’s….They all were practicing Jews and quit because of the persecution of Jews in Germany in the 1890’s………

    !.1 million Jews in NYC and they all voted democrat?….Do ya even listen to yourself anymore or are you driven by the butt pilots that give you thumbs up?….WTF?…

  13. Willy

    Sounds like you’re about to pass out. Good night lil bitch. When you’re sober, research. I’ve had discussions with Jewish Conservative woman on the very site, probably two years ago, about this very topic. And they admitted it was a big problem. So fuck off ass hole.

  14. ….Yes I would, but I’d be about the third one that called you that on a daily basis….What are you gonna do?….kick my ass?…..I’ve had a partially paralyzed leg for 35 years. I could stand some surgery on my ankle, shoulder/bicep, back, hip and the wrist is probably pointless. I’m 63 years old just as you are. You are hopelessly juvenile…..Now answer my first questions about the Jews. Quit dancing….

  15. And Joe6pak is a man. If he thinks I’m fucked up he has no problem telling me so. And visa versa. That’s how men interact. But I can certainly understand why you would not understand this.

  16. I didn’t say I was crippled. I just said I got fucked up parts….Joe6Pak called me an idiot with only knowing I disagreed with you. He needs to tell you that your fucked up more often and stay off the thumb up button….or are you thumbing yourself up?….

  17. Being the manly man that I am, I just finished watching a Hallmark Christmas movie with mrs6pak. Not exactly entertainment in my mind, but what the heck, it’s Christmas. Speaking of what the heck, Willy…….never mind. Getting back to Hallmark Christmas movies, do any of your wives want you to watch those with her? I can’t believe I’ve watched them.

  18. ….Well, It comes back to your antisemetic proclamation….the first question I asked you. Ya know, about all the NYC jews voting democrat….It really was a simple question….after all….

  19. Remember Winnie Cooper, she was in one. She ended up marrying a king of some country after he dumped the queen from another country for Winnie. She’s a sucker for that stuff.

  20. “Only a fucking Libtard or a Nazi would consider treating people like cattle. And only Jews would go along with it and continue to vote for them.”….Brad 10:33 pm….

    Explain that statement to me…..obviously I’m slow on the uptake and you have yet to tell me about the Jewish vote….How about you Joe6pak….splain’ it to me….

  21. ecp
    To be clear, that mother fuckers been busting my ass for a longtime. Chicken shit sniping bull shit. Have you ever seen his dirt bag ass take a political position on anything? Hell no. I’m pissed.And I’m not stopping. The dumb fucker pushed it WAY to far. So to all you IOTW readers, I’m done with this ass hole. The Gloves are off.

  22. Anonymous
    First you need to understand his motivation. He hates anything masculine. He’s never been married because he’s chased any woman away. He’s short, fat, and a dead ringer for Wilford Brimley. His looks are not the deal breaker with women. It’s his fucked up personality. It’s vile.

  23. It’s obvious that Brad needs more thumbs up…..LOLOLOLOLOL…..G’Nite New York….

    PS….I never told Brad that the gal at the MVR thought I looked just like Jeff Bridges in True Grit…..LOLOLOL…true

  24. Brad…..The love of my life died in a single car accident just west of Wendover Nevada in 1988 March 10th. She might have never married me and she did have a concern that I might end up looking like Wilford Brimley….she was going to see her brother in Oregon…..we’ll never know

  25. As for American Jews it is very true that most of them are card carrying libtards, not all, but the majority, just like not all blacks, but the majority, even just like many white women, not all, but far too many.

    Maybe after experiencing what NY is doing to them they will wake up, but just like blacks kept on a plantation it’s doubtful the majority will. They’re so far removed from the Holocaust that many of them would walk right back into it, that’s what liberalism does to you.

  26. Lots of bla bla on this one. Be clear, control freaks gotta be control freaks. The COVID ain’t shit, just a bad flu season. Control freaks on the other hand dangle like apples in early October. Like Yang. And many, many others.

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