Like a Boss – IOTW Report

Like a Boss

Quick cut of Mike Lindell on CNN.

8 Comments on Like a Boss

  1. I sometimes wonder if Hell is where one stands in the utter agony of the Lake of Fire and spends eternity counting their worthless money — in dimes — they took for selling their mortal soul for fame and worldly riches; counting and re-counting, for all eternity.

  2. Lindell: “…You guys did a full audit on 15 Counties, huh?

    CNNL “Well, no why would we? That’s what journalists do. We’re just propaganda reporters.”

  3. “..if Hell is where one stands in the utter agony of the Lake of Fire and spends eternity counting their worthless money”

    Pretty sure there are no “things” in Hell to count.

    Just the teeth-gnashing anguish of knowing you deserve what you are experiencing and that there is no hope of being saved from it any longer. Oh yeah, and being on fire all the time. That too.

  4. Surprised it had today’s date on the youtube video.

    The whole thing is presented as propaganda to dismiss what he’s found. No actual exploration of what he found.

    The Enemedia is just that.

    Worse than any Tokyo rose. Many Minions at work these days.


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