‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’: State Farm does 180 after whistleblower exposes transgender project for 5-year-olds – IOTW Report

‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’: State Farm does 180 after whistleblower exposes transgender project for 5-year-olds

BPR: Insurance giant State Farm is getting publicity for all of the wrong reasons and is backtracking big time after a whistleblower leaked details about a “unique project” to help teach transgenderism to children as young as five-years-old, another example of how deeply the “woke” cancer has penetrated companies with some of America’s most identifiable and enduring brands.

According to an email provided to nonprofit watchdog organization Consumers’ Research, the company has partnered with the transgender activist group the GenderCool Project which identifies itself as an “inspiring disrupter” that promotes gender identity issues to children and their families, who have “never met a transgender or non-binary person” who “feel conflicted about what they read, see and hear.”

In the email which has been made public by Consumers’ Research as a part of their accountability campaign called “Like a Creepy Neighbor,” a member of State Farm’s management team encouraged Florida agents to donate three-book bundles on transgenderism to local schools and public libraries to get the material into the hands of young and impressionable minds that are the most susceptible to brainwashing, a demographic that is easy prey for groomers and their enablers. more

12 Comments on ‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’: State Farm does 180 after whistleblower exposes transgender project for 5-year-olds

  1. Precisely what does auto or home insurance have to do with sexual deprivation and children?

    I’m damn sick and tired of these corps butting their noses in where it doesn’t belong. Ffs, if I walk into a Wendy’s, I just want a damn hamburger…not a lecture on SJ issues, nor do they need to know my pronouns.

    Just stfu and gimme my food.

  2. I dropped State Farm years ago after they dropped Rush Limbaugh for calling that little bitch Sandra Fluke “a slut” for pushing ObamaCare, claiming that she and her friends were paying so much for birth control that they couldn’t cover their own living expenses, let alone pay for college. Rush’s point was “how much sex are you having that it’s causing you to go broke and unable to buy your own health care?”

    Eat shit and die, State Farm, you pervy pearl-clutching fucks.

  3. Have to wonder how Jake…..from State Farm…..feels about this?
    When is it time to start dragging people (in this case, agents, mid & upper management) out of their offices and start decoration trees with them?

  4. I remember when Jake… from State Farm… was “white,” or is that a Mandela effect, like “with a name like Schmucker’s…”, Johnny Quest, and inalienable rights?

  5. Precisely half of our household income goes to 2 things: Taxes and insurance. We buy the governments (state, local, fed) a nice new car every year and the insurance companies (health, auto, home, life) gets a lower-end new car every year, paid for by a family that can’t afford a new (or used) car on the money left over, after we’re done stuffing our faces with inflated food prices and filling our tanks with inflated gas prices, plus all the usual bills that come with life. There’s nothing left over, all our income gets spent on day-to-day living around here.

    Anyhoo, our main carrier is State Farm. I found an agent today nearby and am going to have them locate me new insurance. I’ll be damned if I give another cent to the bastards who use my money to sexualize children. That ain’t gonna fly around here. I will be opening up the conversation like this, “State Farm is spending my premium payments to groom and sexualize 5 year old children and I need to switch.” Right off the bat I’ll know if I should do business with them or not based on their response.

  6. I’ve got auto body friends who say State Farm is a pain in the ass to work with because they want them to use used and knock-off parts and shave the labor which is the main reason I have never had SF! This is just confirmation of my choice!


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