Like Biden, Black Lives Matter’s Support Is Dipping Nationwide – IOTW Report

Like Biden, Black Lives Matter’s Support Is Dipping Nationwide

Townhall: Look, when you threaten to douse the streets in blood for promoting the very same policy of allowing police officers to enforce the law, expect people to look at you sideways. Yes, there are still enough white liberals to buoy Black Lives Matter’s approval ratings, but like Joe Biden—they’re dipping. No doubt they had a chance to have a wide dialogue about policing. There are bad cops—no doubt. Instead, BLM went on an insane tangent of rioting, looting, wanton arson, and declaring policing as an instrument of white supremacy. Not even black Americans support this garbage narrative. Minneapolis had an explicit “abolish the police” initiative that was roundly rejected this year.  more

6 Comments on Like Biden, Black Lives Matter’s Support Is Dipping Nationwide

  1. It would be a mistake to think that the BLM leaders, supporters, enablers, financiers, or the foot soldiers are all self isolating this winter because of Covid, or that they are at all complacent/satisfied with their influential gains this last 18 months. Equity/Race theory, which as been taught in our schools for the last 25 years, requires a rebuilding from the ground up. The old system must go, and all the increasing bolsheviks in government along with their BLM/ANTFA goons will not rest until the complete dismantlement is complete.

    Because there still are bad cops, because not every juror can be intimated, because the criminals have been given a free hand, and because those that make the rules and apply the law are guided by nefarious intent and mischief, the destruction will only increase.

    So far they have only been nibbling at the periphery . The worse is yet to come.

  2. BLM is a reminder of how gawdawful fucking tired all the functioning people are in this country of black democrats, who are 90% of blacks, and their perpetual dysfunction, their whiny, entitled bullshit, and their casual viciousness towards non-blacks.

    First they raise their children to believe that US society will never give them a fair shot, which is bullshit. Then, when their children go mad from lack of seeing a future, they destructively act out on each other and any poor sap who catches their eye when they go off the deep end.

    They have developed a culture that went from creating beautiful things like jazz and the blues to a base culture of demonic assholes who are too lazy to sing or play instruments anymore; so they just scream into a mike about fucking, robbing, and killing others for sport.

    Seriously, fuck BLM and fuck the “blacKKK KKKommunitaaay” for what they’ve allowed themselves to become, i.e. a pack of violent poor-me losers and a part time goon squad for billionaire democrat assholes.


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